I love this piece, it feel like I have achieved a milestone.
This is Elonrie full body artwork, official by me in non-colour version.
Some details of Princess Elonrie:
She love make friends happy and love making friend with strangers. She is a figure, she is not alicorn, she does not bother her position as princess to help her citizens. Her presence to citizens is a rare gem to the kingdom. Despite being caring, she rather not speak about it and stay truth to herself, what she think and feel is right she go and do it. A classic example other than Canterlot alicorn Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Her kingdom is Lorania, small but humble. Situated far south-west of Everfree in non-canon universe of Equestria.
I do not think she has to be famous in the media. Most of her stories are already in roleplays of me with my friends in our Discord server, :love heart: MLP Friendship is Magic :love heart:
So to this day though, sometimes I do free request for my friends in the server. It might not look valuable in media but I do not think I should bother with other opinion, it is why balance exist. There is reason why artist and scientist make world better as both side are equally important to this existence.
What I think is important is to love what you do.