I was already planning on uploading the rest of the characters from my New Years pic by themselves, so why not make more of a spectacle of it? Now I just need to hope I was able to upload these all fast enough to not get interrupted by someone else uploading something in between these, otherwise that’s the end of this gimmick.
Yes, I know posting these like this has led to some silly things with the letters chopped up the way they are, everyone but Rarity and Sweetie Belle ended up with something amusing above their heads. I have made peace with this for now. I’m expecting “YE” and “EW” be the ones people find the most amusing, but we shall see.
Oh I was thinking if you can do anything other than FlutterMac if you don’t mind
Thank you.
Ouch! Poor Marble.
@Background Pony #D7AF
Not exactly, but if you have something you’d like to suggest, as long as it’s FlutterMac related and not explicit I’ll certainly give it some thought.
I should warn you ahead of time that I work very slowly, and my own holiday works will take priority over anything else I’m working on.