Cool, wish these two got to been in the movie. Would have been an epic fight.
Originally posted on: November 18 2018
Hey guys. Here is a digital art piece I recently finished. I’m thinking about not posting as much MLP stuff here as I would like to reserve this account for more than MLP stuff but we’ll see. Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy MLP and I really owe a lot to the show for helping me to continue drawing. I’ll probably be posting my MLP stuff on my Equestria Amino account as I would like to become more active on there. I don’t have much on there at the moment but I hope to change that in the future. We’ll see though. 😊About the pic: This pic is one of my friendship headcanons for Tempest Shadow where she becomes friends with Shining Armor. I’d figure that Tempest would have a hard time making friends and fitting into the daily life of Ponyville given her strict military background but she happens to find a sense of familiarity in the Equestrian military, specifically Shining Armor. The two happen to run into each other during an early morning run on one of Shining Armor’s occasional visits to Ponyville and the two begin chatting about their time spent in the military. It’s one of the first times that Tempest has felt like she belonged since she switched sides. The two become friends and Pen pals and write to each other every now and then. I couldn’t figure out how to make Tempest’s normal hair look right so I gave her a different hairstyle. It is sort of inspired by Emily Blunt’s character in Edge of tomorrow. This picture was inspired by the song “Like Morning Follows Night” from the RWBY volume 4 soundtrack. I listened to it and thought it was a perfect representation of Tempest’s and Shining’s friendship after they become close friends and it is the official song for their friendship.#mlpfimfanart #mlpfanart #shiningarmor #shiningarmorfanart #shiningarmormlp #shiningarmormlpfim #tempestshadow #tempestshadowmlp #tempestshadowdrawing #tempestshadowfanart #mylittleponyfriendshipismagicfanart #mylittleponyfanart