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Viewing last 25 versions of comment by CronoM on image #2559370


"Yes, anyone on the internet who loses their shit and starts REEEEing on the internet about some dumb shit like a show changing its cast and format every ten years or so probably could benefit from some anger management"

One, he was obviously not losing his shit, and Two, every nperdson in almost every fandom has a gripe somewhere about an issue with a show, and many are way less calm then him.

Three, changing its cast is one thing. That isn't the issue. The issue is that they made it so the entire G4 storyline leads to everything falling apart offscreen, meaning beloved characters achieved stuff that quickly turned to dust. Not exactly a pleasant idea, and definitely worth talking about.

If G5 simply existed in a brand new world and continuity, that would be fine.

"Or, I don’t know, a life coach, or maybe a responsible parent in their life."

Are moderators supposed to use this many insults? That's incredibly mean spirited, and it violates several guidelines.

" it’s only the handful of special and easily triggered snowflakes."

No comment on this one. Too obvious.

"I don’t know if anger management will fix everything that’s wrong in that case, because you can’t fix stupid"

Okay, this is just flagrant breaking of Rule 0, Rule 6, and Rule n.

"but maybe it would help with the irresponsible and self destructive feedback loops some of them get into"

"we’re still dealing with people who are angry about Twilight Has Wings."

I'm still not pleased about all the awful decisions made in Alien 3, and a lot of horrible movies and movie sequels. It doesn't effect me in any way in my personal life, but if I'm in a situation where its issues come up in a discussion, I'm obviously going to list my personal gripes with it.

Its an opinion after all. It doesn't magically go away after a few years at the behest of people with the different opinion. That applies to a lot of things in literally EVERY fandom.

Unless you've never seen a bad movie with good potential, a bad show with good potential, or you've never seen a bad sequel, then your comment makes no sense.

"At least some anger management might make them easier to deal with, even if those people might never, ever, grow."

He's being mature and giving his opinion when the topic arises.
No reason given
Edited by CronoM