So here’s Feathermay’s! She’s the first born so the first to get an introspective! So here we go, from right to left, top to bottom.
Image Captions:
1. Feathermay gets her cutie mark! As well as her pet parrot, lil’ red, as a newborn. This is just one reason she’s very attached to her reddie, but for a while, nether her or her parents could agree on what her cutie mark meant. Of course the first conclusion was that, she’s an animal lover just like her mama! But then again, she did save that falling egg a bit earlier, so of course she’s a flier like her mom! Feathermay herself was a bit directionless.
2. Aite, I can’t take all the credit for this one, I was heavily inspired by mylittlegami ‘s piece here, I only really had the idea for it, but looks like I ended up doing a lot of the same things in their piece dshkfsdfsdfs.
“Come on Featherball!” Rainbow Dash encouraged her daughter, very… enthusiastically. I mean, of course she’d be, she’s taught others to fly, but come on, this was her own daughter she’s teaching!
Fluttershy was mainly there for emotional support. She never was a good flier, and was quite a bit worried her daughter would be the same. But for now, she’d let Dash take the reins for flying practice.
“Look, Look, if you’re worried about falling, you have the best flier here to catch you!” And with that, Dash took off past the cloud and Fluttershy, partially leaving them both off-balance. She looped around, and stopped right below the cloud again. “See? I’ll catch you in one second flat!” Fluttershy smiled at that line.
On the cloud above them, their daughter Feathermay quivered.
3. In Bitta Luck’s bio, I had mentioned the mane 6 were more than keen to shove their first green babbus together. Many pictures were taken, headed by Rarity. Here’s one of em!
4. “Come on Lil’ Feather! Let’s try those loops one more time, I’m sure you’ll get them this time!”
“Um, how about we check on your little mouse friends instead May? It’s been a little while since you saw them!”
‘Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up’