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I’ll say it right away, if you don’t like them or want to comment that they look “too masculine” or anything alike, don’t, keep it to yourself. I do not care about it nor did I ask, just downvote and move on. I would greatly appreciate it.
My lineup of my interpretation of human mane 6. However this isn’t just any lineup, I made a whole entire universe too.  
Here is info about them, then there is info about the universe. I like being extremely detailed with my renditions of characters so there is a lot of unnecessary info, hope y’all don’t mind.  
Also I didn’t draw Spike yet but I still included info about dragons for when I draw him later.
Arab | 23y/o | Bisexual | she/they pronouns  
187cm/6’1” | Ectomorph | Hourglass shape | Greater Flamingo wings
Pinkamena Diane “Pinkie” Pie  
Black | 22y/o | Pansexual | nonbinary | any pronouns  
160cm/5’2” | Endomorph | Apple shape
Korean | 24y/o | Bisexual | cis | she/her pronouns  
168cm/5’6” | Mesomorph | Hourglass shape
Twilight Sparkle  
Indian | 20y/o | Bisexual | cis | she/they pronouns  
176cm/5’9” | Ectomorph | Pear shape | Barn Owl wings
White | 24y/o | Lesbian | cis | she/her pronouns  
185cm/6’0” | Endomorph | Rectangle shape
Rainbow Dash  
Filipino/Kenyan | 21y/o | Bisexual | nonbinary | any pronouns  
180cm/5’11” | Ectomorph | Inverted Triangle shape | Peregrine Falcon wings
Extra info  
>RD is bisexual, but IDs as gay. She is also demiromantic.  
>Pinkie and RD are both Autistic, RD also has ADHD.  
>Fluttershy has Social Anxiety Disorder (clearly demonstrated in Filli Vanilli and Hurricane Fluttershy)  
>RD’s hair curls more in water, but it gets swept by the wind so much, it’s usually just wavy.  
>Human ethnicity in this universe is solely based on the Mirror World (they correlate in many things).  
>Twilight has OCD (obviously, even showed in episodes Lesson Zero and It’s About Time).  
>In my headcanon they all feel physical attraction to each other to an extent.  
>Pinkie Apple Pie in this universe ended with them accepting that they most likely aren’t related (such a stupid and pointless episode ugh)
Reasoning for headcanons  
>Applejack is obviously Southern. She is lesbian cause she never showed romantic interest in anyone (I am not counting Dirk Thistleweed, that to me seemed more like fan admiration), and only chemistry she had was with women.  
>Majority HC Twily as Indian, there is not much to add. She is bi cause she liked Flash, besides that she had clear chemistry with the rest of mane 6, Sunset and Tempest.  
>Pinkie can only be black or ginger, otherwise her hair don’t make sense (to me). She doesn’t seem like someone who would be bound by gender norms, so she is nonbinary. Also pansexual cause she likes everyone!  
>With Rarity I chose Korean because of the beauty standards in Korea, specifically the standard of having pale skin. I like the idea of her instead embracing her darker skin, similar to how she embraced her messed up mane in It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You. She is bisexual cause she liked Trenderhoof, but also has clear chemistry with women.  
>Most people HC Fluttershy as Muslim, though I don’t really include religion in my art, so she is Arab instead. She is bi because of her clear chemistry with RD, Rarity and Discord.  
>RD is without a question either black or brown, and Southeast Asian fits real well too. She is the only one besides AJ who sometimes speaks in dialect. Like here, where Aight is specifically AAVE. For sexuality, she never EVER showed any romantic interest throughout the show, she only blushed around the rest of the mane 6, that’s why I HC her as demiromantic. Bisexual mostly just cause I am projecting and cause I like Quibbledash. She is nonbinary cause even in the show she is tomboyish and kinda rejecting femininity. To me it seems like she, unlike Pinkie, realizes societal view of gender and that women are perceived as “weak”. She feels pressured to be more masculine to appear strong. However she does start accepting her “feminine” side slowly (like in Deep Tissue Memories).  
>Pinkie and RD are both very clearly neurodivergent. Pinkie in Yakity-Sax picks up a new hobby and is completely hooked, like when people have hyperfixations. When she was forced to stop she felt awful. Also a lot of her actions are impulsive and sometimes she misunderstands situations. RD on the other hand collects stuff (Wonderbolts merch and Daring Do books). Also she rereads Daring Do constantly. Also RD has ADHD which was very clear in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3.
Personal notes  
>I know many people HC Rarity as black, and I love that, but for some reason I just couldn’t work out the design so I just went with Korean because that fits very well too.  
>Fluttershy’s sex and gender are up to interpretation because I can’t decide. Also the bag she has is from artificial magical leather, I didn’t quite think about that while drawing.  
>I would HC Twily as autistic too but I am not all that sure. Same with Pinkie being bipolar, I am not as educated on that yet.
Universe Info  
In this universe all species have their respective counterparts that resemble Humans more. They are still in Equestria, it’s pretty much the same structure wise.  
The one big difference is transport. They don’t really have cars, they still use carriages and chariots. However tractors and working vehicles exist, since in Feeling Pinkie Keen they have a wagon resembling a truck.
Earth Pony - Human  
Very simple and self explanatory, earth ponies are normal Humans. They don’t have any magical properties.  
Humans are usually endomorphs or mesomorphs. Bigger in stature than other races and with higher physical power.  
Human fashion consists of simple loose clothing fitted for work and manual labor. Cloths are usually cheap and plain. However due to Elven influence they started to use bigger variety of materials and also have clothing with separate purposes, like for special occasions.
Pegasus - Avis (Pagasi - Avi)  
Pegasi’s humanoid counterparts are Avi. I would have chosen angels but that’s too religious, so I based it on Latin word Avis, meaning bird.  
Avi are Humans with bird-like wings. In this world to them color of the wings seem random, but they translate to the pony world.  
The type of bird’s wings child will have is genetic, so Fluttershy’s family has wings of the Phoenicopteriformes order while Rainbow Dash’s parents have wings of the Falconiformes order and so on.  
Avi are usually ectomorphs or mesomorph, very rarely endomorphs. They aren’t as strong as Humans, at least not naturally, but they have better posture and higher control over their body, as they naturally have better balance, since they fly.  
Avi fashion mostly consists of stretchy and elastic fabric and clothes that tend to be tighter for optimized aerodynamics. Loose clothing is also worn but the material is different from those Humans primarily wear.  
Avi can like Pegasi control weather and walk on clouds. Unlike Humans and Elves, lightning and such things don’t affect them as much, the damage is unlikely to be lethal.
Unicorn - Elf  
Unicorns’ humanoid counterparts are Elves. Elves have magical powers which are performed through magical crystals on their forehead.  
At birth until they get their cutie mark the crystal is just translucent and almost level with the forehead. Once they get their cutie mark, they are required to get a new crystal that is lined with special metal which helps it merge with the already existing source. The new crystal serves to transfer the magic in full force with easier bearing. One’s magic can be strong without the new crystal but it is more unsafe, as the natural crystal is more difficult to control. Fizzlepop Berrytwist (Tempest) for example still only has the natural crystal, because it was fractured and new crystal would not merge with it.  
Average Elf can perform simple spells. Most basic spells are inborn while the difficult ones are technical. Magical abilities can be trained both practically and theoretically, as many spells are just meticulous amalgamations of instinctive and natural spells (example in Every Little Thing She Does). Practical training is usually done by practicing the mind and concentration (like in Feeling Pinkie Keen). Spells can be also written, their performance then is based on instincts and emotion (like the spell Twilight finished in Magical Mystery Cure).  
Elves can have any body type, however they are more keen to be slimmer and smaller, both in height and physique. They are also quite wear compared to Humans and Avi.  
Elven fashion is very modest but extravagant. Gowns and complex dresses are worn often. High class clothing is similar to that from the Victorian Era. Lower class and more general clothing consists of vintage ruffle shirts, tops and dresses. Even casual homewear is usually made from expensive high quality material. Cloths used by Elves are often artificial. Outside of Canterlot they adopted more modern style from Avi fashion, that consists of tighter and shorter clothing with less details.
Alicorn - Avian Elf  
Not much to add, just that naturally born Avian Elves have bigger wings than Avi. Otherwise Elves who become Avian have regular sized wings, nor do they grow indefinitely (don’t really like that in the show, but I get the point).
In this universe Dragons have two forms. They are one of the few non-humanoid species in this world, so through magic they gained the power to change into a humanoid form.  
They used to be only quadrupedal but with the humanoid influence over time most dragons became bipedal.  
In their humanoid form they keep their horns and ears. They also have scaly sections on their face and back. Wings also remain. Their feet are pretty much the same as in dragon form just smaller.  
In both forms they have the power to breathe fire. Besides that they do not posses any magical powers.
Mirror World  
This I will touch up on later in more detail but here is some basic info.  
Mirror World is the EQG universe in MLP. In this universe the Mirror World is “reality” It is not quite the exact reality since there is magic in that world.  
In the Mirror World time passes slower than in Equestria. They also affect each other, such as their races are based on those in the Mirror World. Also I noticed in later seasons AJ and RD had a boost in power in the pony world, so I suspect that the magic in the normal world is boosted by the magic of the magical geodes in the Mirror World. I will write something about this, hopefully some time soon.  
The setting is in the US, as the high school was based on those there. They are in California. Everyone except for Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack moved from outside of US. Rarity has Korean heritage but never visited.
How Cutie Marks work  
Cutie mark is like in canon a marking of a picture resembling person’s talent. In this case it’s marking that looks like a tattoo. Often there is a portion that is not colored, only an outline.  
Cutie mark can be anywhere on person’s body from thighs to neck. It cannot be on hands, butt, stomach and chest however. Most common places are sides and shoulders.
Mane 6 Cutie Marks  
Their cutie marks have the same meaning as in canon but I expanded on them a bit.
>Fluttershy has 6 butterflies in pink and turquoise on her right arm. There are 6 because of the mane 6. Her cutie mark means her connection with animals and the ability to communicate with them. It also resembles her delicate personality and free spirit, since she lives alone in her little world.  
>Twilight’s cutie mark also has 6 stars representing the 6 of them. Her cutie marks means her great talent at magic. It also represents her personality and how she is involved in everyone’s lives shining through to them.  
>Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark is a storm with lighting coming out of it. This doesn’t represent just her flashiness and speed but also her daring personality. The bolts are also shooting outwards from the source, resembling her willingness to share her time and love with others. The clouds also represent her personality, how she can be very closed off but still see-through.  
>Applejack’s cutie mark are 3 apples on a branch. These 3 apples represent Applebloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith, since her cutie mark means she belongs home with her family, but also her dedication to the farm life. The leaves on the branch are all the lives she’s touched and how she treats everyone like family.  
>Pinkie Pie’s cutie mark are 3 balloons tied with a ribbon. Her cutie mark means her love for parties, fun and togetherness. The balloons also represent her “afloat” personality. The ribbon is her holding up others together and bringing them happiness.  
>Rarity’s cutie mark are 3 diamonds. They mean her ability to find gemstones and bring beauty to anything and everything she touches. It also represents her ability to shine no matter the situation and her uniqueness.
Cutie Mark Placement  
Since they all got cutie marks thanks to Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom, they got them placed respectfully based on the chronological order as they got them.
>RD’s Rainboom was the trigger, so her cutie mark is the highest resting on the back of her neck. The clouds represent here keeping them together and contained. The lightning also represents her willingness to sacrifice anything for them.  
>Next followed Twilight and Fluttershy, they both got their cutie marks little after the explosion. Fluttershy’s is placed on her right shoulder. Her butterflies represent her cultivated attitude towards them, how she keeps the tension away, as she is the levelheaded one. Twilight’s cutie mark is on her left shoulder and represents her leadership, her being the guiding star that leads them in the right direction and keeps them on course.  
>After them followed Rarity, she got her cutie mark later that evening. Her cutie mark is in the center of her back and represents their uniqueness, differences and how special they are not only on their own but also to each other.  
>Last were Pinkie and Applejack, who both got their cutie marks the next morning (lets face it, AJ couldn’t have run back to Ponyville from Manehatten that same day). Pinkie Pie’s is on her right side. Her balloons represent her being able to lift their spirits. The ribbon also represents her holding them together and steady. AJ’s is on her left side. Her branch represents her keeping them grounded, but also her desire to have them close.
Like I already mentioned, Avi and Avian Elves have wings of a certain bird. The type of bird wings someone has is genetic. Wings are usually twice someone’s height, though the wingspan also depends on the actual bird.  
Top picture is front, bottom one is back of the wing.
>Fluttershy has wings of Greater Flamingo. They are long with very sleek dark main feathers. The attached feathers are bright yellow. The inside feathers are warm color while the back is brown. Flamingos are water birds, so her wings aren’t exactly made for fast flight. However she can keep flying for quite a while.  
>Twilight has wings of Barn Owl. She has big round main feathers held up by very soft round ones. Ends of the main feathers have markings on them and they are faded white. Just like Barn Owl, Twilight is able to glide silently. Because of their size and area coverage she is also able to glide easily. With good practice she could fly quite fast too.  
>Rainbow Dash has wings of Peregrine Falcon. She has lots of slim long feathers. Main feathers are very pale, when in light they are quite see-through. The back is darker with rainbow colored ends. Peregrine Falcons are the fastest birds, so obviously Rainbow is also the fastest (quite literally). Unlike Twilight though, Rainbow’s wing flaps are faster and more rapid. Also just like Peregrine Falcon, she can reach high speeds just by diving. She has great control of her body and can fly and do twirls and such with great precision. RD’s wings are slightly bigger than Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s.
Also, Rarity’s and Twilight’s head necklaces. Like I mentioned, the crystal takes up a shape and color resembling their cutie mark.
That’s it!

safe2241558 artist:rdstartie29 angel bunny11626 applejack206009 fluttershy266187 pinkie pie263179 rainbow dash287812 rarity223506 twilight sparkle367660 human262564 rabbit9529 g42103203 absurd resolution68889 alternate hairstyle39902 animal8819 applejack's hat15797 arabian88 armpits47492 asian175 bag10372 belly button116574 belt10114 book45343 boots35625 bracelet16801 breasts408863 busty pinkie pie14904 clothes665194 cowboy boots2881 cowboy hat27569 dark skin9276 description is relevant1231 dress65220 ear piercing47397 earring35206 elf ears2803 eyebrow piercing1712 eyeshadow33223 female1879837 fingerless gloves7063 flannel548 freckles47301 gloves31720 grin66083 hat130420 headcanon3241 headcanon in the description457 high heel boots9340 humanized123237 indian153 jeans7116 jewelry121756 line-up1350 lip piercing2019 makeup44327 man face3 mane six38501 midriff25429 nonbinary1537 pants24457 piercing68458 shirt43873 shoes63677 skirt58899 smiling423146 sneakers6700 socks103190 sports bra5166 suspenders811 sweatpants638 t-shirt7694 tank top11406 vest6445 winged humanization10377 wings242565


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Vanilla Drop
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Drawer time
I always feel a bit iffy when ppl make pinkie black just bc she has curly hair (I don’t think her being ginger/black is the only solution, after all have you ever seen MEXICANS????)
But otherwise i love the dedication put into this. I may not agree with every headcanon here but I respect the hustle
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Tree of Harmony - Drew someone's OC for the 2022 Community Collab
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Philomena - For helping others attend the 2021 community collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
Artist -

💚 Green Griffon 💚
Oooh, Idk why I didn’t notice that, I was curious about it and looking through the description for it but I think I must’ve somehow missed it, maybe I was too tired xD Its so cool tho I like the Lanky flutters so its fun to incorporate it that way! And well, its not like this has an expiry date x3 If you ever feel inspired to draw something of it after revisiting why not do it if you have the time, its what I do sometimes when I look back at my drawings and stuff.
Artist -

Thank you so much!!! I’m honestly dissapointed I haven’t drawn them all that much since then because i really did put a lot of thought into it all haha
As for Fluttershy, like i mentioned in the text, Flamingos are water birds, not necessarily fliers. But they have endurance, which i got inspired by how they were changed into breezies, they had to fly long distance. It’s also cause flamingos are quite big, i mean they could literally be as tall as her. Then their long legs were a big attribute, like her long legs when she was a foal. But most importantly I wanted contrast. Twilight and Rainbow have cold/cool colors which contrast their warm tone of skin. Fluttershy has pink and yellow which kinda make them blend with her skin since its all warm colors, so I liked the really dark inside. And if I went for a stretch, it would be the easiest to convert to bat wing in her vampire form without drastically changing their design.
So short version, it was for contrast haha
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Tree of Harmony - Drew someone's OC for the 2022 Community Collab
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Philomena - For helping others attend the 2021 community collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
Artist -

💚 Green Griffon 💚
Wow this is so awesome and in depth!!! Its crazy how cool they are. I think the coolest parts are how much thought u put into even the cutie mark placement on them and also that all the pegasi have different types of wings, I always love when that’s done on fantasy creatures with wings! Its so awesome. What made you choose the flamingo wings for Fluttershy?
Background Pony #6354
Wow, the lore with the designs are great! I especially love the bird wings.
Background Pony #F32A
Damn how does this have fifty downvotes, yet someone posted a picture of their feet and got like ninty upvotes lol
Duck - If report count was a score, he'd have the biggest score
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!

@Background Pony #0127  
I have 27 badges and a whole one of them is negative, BP– what have you ever contributed to this site or this fandom besides LOLworthy false equivalence nonsense like “How dare– HOW VERY DARE– you start this fight that was 15 comments deep before you showed up, you dragging a chorus of overtly obnoxious and bigoted complainers including three Rule #0 deletions is EXACTLY THE SAME as those complainers!!1!”?
I came in here to talk about how neat I thought this image was; nobody forced any of you people to come in here and whine about it.
Duck - If report count was a score, he'd have the biggest score
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!

LOL “unnecesary diversity” is not a sincere complaint made by anyone with anything of value to say. Holy horses people who come around here being afraid of anything different from themselves are absolutely in the wrong fandom for the wrong show.
All of the Mane Six would love the heck out of these interpretations of them.
Artist -

@Background Pony #0127  
I am friends with really diverse people so i find it natural. For you it may seem inorganic but in case you werent aware, lgbt and nonwhite people are more likely to stick together, so my lineup isnt all that unrealistic.
And its not that its wrong but at least present yourself online if you dont want me to think youre just a troll. Cause lets be honest, i cant take these comments seriously half the time.  
Anyway thanks for showing your point of view without being an ass
Background Pony #0127
How to say this in a nice way? Its not that people like this don’t exist but that images like this where its pretty much every character checks a box of some kind seems kind of inorganic and soapboxish.
Plus, what’s wrong with being a bp?
Artist -

@Background Pony #F1DC  
These “people” like to have fun with art and express themselves. But i guess you wouldnt know what thats like since youre anonymous :)  
Also you say “unnecesary diversity” as if people like that dont exist, saying this as one such person. Anyway jealousy dont suit you go get a hobby ;)