Don’t you just hate it when your mom interupts your private seances? These calls have a very limited coverage. Like once every Lunar alignment limitid.
Can’t a girl have some privacy in her own room?
Flurry Heart lets Starburst in on how she knows about an event that was erased from existence.
(yes I finally get to explain the point behind thatimage of cosmic cosmos)
Starburst looked through the book again.
”My mom has several flavors.”
”Oh no! - Its not like we are in the EMPIRE or anything”
”Ceremonial knife?”
Flurry raised several ornate daggers into the air.
”What brand do you want?”
Starburst laughed at Flurry’s remark.
”To think this stuff was actually supposed to be hard to come by.”
Flurry returned the laugh.
”Yeah, Well – Living in this castle has its privilages, that guy Sombra sure horded a lot of crazy stuff.”
Starburst flipped through the list of ingedients.
”Well – That can be found in any modern medical cabinet – Moondust, we can get from bath salt these days – As for the blood. Well. Do you know of anyone of royal alicorn lineage?”
Flutty smiled, and raised a sufficiently ornate knife from the pile.
”So – just a few drops each then?”
”Shall I get the band aid ready … Princess?” Star said with a smirk.
”Dont worry. You highness,” Flurry returned the smirk. ”I have some healing spells memorized.”
She said, as the tip of her horn begun to glow.
Starburst’s smile whidened.
”Nah, cut out the magical crapp – I want the whole experience.”
She said, and rolled up her sleve.
”… and well. We might need some alicorn horn dust for this.”
Flurry sighed.
”I’ll go grab the rasp”
That sounds like the ultimate Cadance mom move. Leaning into her daughter’s phase which ironically ends the phase.