Each Twilight’s Description and AU (left —> right)
“You must be alternate versions of ME!” - This is my PrincessSwap AU Twilight. She is arguably the most naïve, but most similar to the original Twilight. The main difference is that she was Luna’s student instead of Celestia’s.
Far Away Twilight - She is a Zebra in a world that is run by magical zebras. She only has one princess, and is much more relaxed compared to the original Twilight.
Twilight on the Floor - She is from my most dystopian AU. Basically the entire show happened, but it was all a dream. When she wakes up, she is actually a food source for the changeling empire. She was born and raised as a food container for them, and was accidentally woken up by Fluttershy, who happened to be the only real pony in her dreams. Anyway, she’s basically given up on reality.
Big Alicorn Twilight - She is my IDKverse Twilight. They are basically a highly intelligent, cross-dimensional Twilight. One who is more willing to explore the multiverse than the original Twilight.
Original Twilight (under big twilight) - She is the original. I think she was experimenting when something went horribly wrong and she accidentally brought some of the alternate twilights into one space.
Flying Twilight - This Twilight is from my Pawns of Chaos AU. She lives in a world in which Discord wasn’t fully contained in his statue and had to wait for the right moment to strike. Basically he altered the live of the main 6 so to make them the opposite of their elements. He changed Twilight into a Pegasus at birth, and did a whole bunch of other stuff to really mess everything up. So yeah, she is the most anxious of all the Twilights.
Really close up Twilight - She is my Drowned AU Twilight. She lives in a world in which Nightmare Moon flooded the world a thousand years ago. The world was split in two, those below the surface and those above. The unicorns were taken by Nightmare Moon, now called Mare(mah-rey), under the ocean and created a society at the bottom of the ocean. Celestia saved the pegasi and earth ponies by joining forces with the Griffons. The Pegasi and Griffons intermingled, creating a mixed race by the present day. The Earth Ponies became sea faring travelers, hopping from island to island for survival.