I guess princess celestia is not all she whacked up like she should of been. Ok ok I’ll stop goosing around with these pun. I don’t want to fowl them up too much.
A lot of people have this image of swans as these delicate, graceful, freshwater ballerinas, but the reality is they ( especially mute swans and especially the males) are highly aggressive, territorial, murder beasts.
“We must deal with the consequences of our actions”. It’s a good moral to have on an episode.
Yeah, I don’t like to get near them.
Canadian Geese are bastards. They used to migrate to a lake by where I lived in NY and they were a violent bunch.
This is golden
It’s pretty good. It loses steam after the first act, but that first act was still pretty great.
They’re quite bitey, ever been bitten by one? Not fun.
She was taking a selfie, and making the duckface. She duckfaced so hard she turned into one. And when he saw her, he just quacked up.
Ya mean like this? -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s637-5A9Gro
Wow, someone other than me remembers the Swan Princess. It was highly underrated if you ask me and had and amazing soundtrack.
People who haven’t been in the fandom that long, I guess?
Who could forget this one?
(click for full res)