B mac: http://www.derpiboo.ru/289565 and http://www.derpiboo.ru/289608
Braeburn: http://www.derpiboo.ru/287161 and http://www.derpiboo.ru/287120
For Captain Applejack, she commands a ship known as the Applejacksons Revenge. A ship with the power to level half of Fillydelphia. Serious firepower.
She’s the best sharpshooter in Their group, Ironically she lost her left eye.
Aj:” but that don’t matter, I got a spare, and Its mah good eye. ITs all I need”
weapons: Cutlass , 2 revolvers, and a cowboy repeater /lever-action rifle.
I was going to be a clever little shit about this and was going to put “artist:yourself”
but then it corrected itself…
well played derpibooru, well played