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Attack on Night Light II - Episode 2 - Danger in Yokohama
Summary: Hayato, Rina, Daichi, Kenji and Akari stay in Yokohama and prepare themselves for the next battle against Night Light, who plans on destroying the city when night arrives.
After a deadly battle in Tokyo with a rampaging unicorn named Night Light the previous night, Hayato and his friends, alongside Mr. Yoshida, have relocated themselves into another city, Yokohama. The next morning, the group entered a house where a friend that Kenji knows for a long time let them in.
Hayato and his friends still feel upset about what happened the other night. However, they explained this to Kenji’s friend, Saburo, a man who is also a swordsman.
“You mean there was a giant unicorn stallion named Night Light destroying the city you live in?” Saburo asked Kenji, wondering if this is true. “Man, I feel so bad for what has happened, my friend. I really am.” He was depressed over the battle that happened in Tokyo.
“No need for apologies, Saburo.” Kenji told Saburo, appreciating his friend for an apology, but that isn’t his concern.
Luckily enough, Saburo did watch the news about the unicorn monster terrorizing Tokyo, and he and his family reacted in horror at this scary event that was spreading across Tokyo, and believed the city he resides in would be next.
“But I did witness this on TV, though.” Saburo said.
“Okay, good! That’s all we wanna get from you.” Akari replied, liking that Saburo was brave seeing what was on television the night before.
Afterwards, Hayato, Saburo, Rina, Daichi and Kenji sat down on a couch, Akari, Saburo and Mr. Yoshida remained standing, although Mr. Yoshida preferred going upstairs alone, having been frustrated over the deaths of his fellow companions.
“Hey, wait for us.” Akari followed Mr. Yoshida as she followed him walking up the stairs.
The others wanted to follow Akari, too, but it was wise they just leave the two alone and Akari comforts Mr. Yoshina on her own.
Mr. Yoshida was still silent, not even saying anything at all despite Akari still following behind him. He went into Saburo’s parents’ room, and sat down on the bed, looking grumpy.
“Yo! Mind having a chat over something?” Akari came in the same room where Mr. Yoshida was in. She even took a seat next to him, showing some kindness towards the latter, as she just wants to understand why his fellow crew were murdered last night by the gigantic unicorn.
Akari softly pressed her hands on Mr. Yoshida hoping he will be feeling more happy in a few minutes. She spoke in a gentle voice, saying, “I understand that Night Light killed everyone from your team, but it’s not your fault…”
“It is my fault!” Mr. Yoshida argued against Akari’s words, as his entire crew was his responsibility and he was forced to see his crew die before him. “If only I had called more members from the Japan Self-Defense Forces, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place!”
“Look, you still have other teammates back in Tokyo who are still living because they weren’t involved with the battle against Night Light.” Akari reminded Mr. Yoshida the remaining members from the Japan Self-Defense Forces are still alive.
“I appreciate the offer, but, I just wanna be left alone right now.” Mr. Yoshida suggested Akari walked out and let him be.
“Mr. Yoshida, please, don’t kick me out…” Akari begged Mr. Yoshida not to kick her out.
Mr. Yoshida pointed his finger at Akari with an angry staring look on his face. “Get out right now, or I will drag you out if you don’t do it yourself!” He threatened to drag Akari out the room with his hands.
Akari stormed out the room in tears, and closed the door afterwards, heading back downstairs where Hayato and his friends are.
When Akari came down the stairs, she told her friends, saying, “He told me that it wasn’t my business. I tried to reason with him, but he just prefers being left alone right… now. Aww, I wanted to do was just help him.”
“Look, we know you are trying the best you can helping out a soldier who has lost all his companions that took on the massive stallion during battle the previous night, but he’s not in the mood right now, and better we just let him go for now.” Daichi told Akari, giving her a suggestion that when someone is not so happy, they should leave that person alone.
“Like he said.” Hayato agreed with Daichi’s words, and the others also agreed. “Mr. Yoshida’s gonna be feeling better later on. Give him some time and we’ll check in on him later.”
Akari, coming to her senses, wiped the tears from her eyes, and started feeling more confident inside herself.
“I really don’t understand why Night Light would cause such terror and hurt the citizens.” Saburo was still confused about why Night Light has hatred towards the humans. “We did nothing wrong to him, right?”
“You see, the problem is, Night Light is a very cruel stallion who has dislikes towards humans and he wants every single human dead beneath his hooves.” Kenji started explaining with Saburo about Night Light’s personality. “He doesn’t care for anyone except for himself, and he will destroy everything, no matter what the cost is. Worshipping him won’t stop him from killing us.”
“Night Light’s power is beyond anything you can ever imagined!” Rina added. “Night Light can destroy two or more buildings in a single blow with his magic!”
Saburo was hearing Hayato’s friends telling him the whole story about Night Light, his plans, his personality, etc. “I get it now.” He replied, having known what the situation is behind Night Light’s plans on wiping out humanity and everything with it around the world.
“Any sorta way we can defeat Night Light?” Saburo asked Hayato and his friends, as he really wants to know how he can help the group defeat Night Light for next battle.
“Using katanas can’t kill Night Light.” Akari said, which was why last night, the magic unleashed from her katana didn’t work on Night Light. “And what we all should use, however…”
“Night Light can’t be completely defeated unless we find something that can shrink, am I right?” Hayato asked.
Daichi replied, “That is exactly right! But, we don’t know how we can shrink Night Light. First off, we must find someone who has a shrink ray, and if they do, the next time we see Night Light, victory will be for us once and for all!”
“There’s no time going back outside searching for someone with a shrink ray right now!” Kenji said.
“But Night Light isn’t around this city yet.” Daichi replied back, telling him that although it is currently morning, the monstrous unicorn would not arrive in Yokohama until night between 8:30 and 9:00 PM.
Akari, putting her fingers on her chin, said, “At least, Daichi has a point. Currently, the time is 9:47 AM on my phone, and we still have very much time left!”
Kenji argued, protesting, “Look, nobody in this city has a shrink ray! This is Japan, not the United States, people! Hello? Where else do you guys believe we would be outside of Yokohama, huh? Tell me now. I wanna know!”
“Kenji, give it a rest, would you?” Rina suggested Kenji gives it a break about no one in Yokohama having a shrink ray. “Still, just like this country, giant monsters have been very popular in the United States since the 20th Century, too! If only we had Godzilla around right now, only he can defeat Night Light.”
“Godzilla is not here right now.” Hayato reminded the gang that Godzilla is not in Yokohama, and he is nowhere to be found around Japan at this moment. “The unicorn, Night Light, and Godzilla are from two different universes. You don’t want those two interacting with each other.”
Hayato explained himself further, stating, “Calling him for help can’t do any good. The citizens and especially us can deal with Night Light, the most powerful unicorn stallion who has ever walked the earth.”
“Funny that Godzilla has been a hero, even though he was a bad guy from the start, you know?” Saburo laughed.
The others somehow doubt that. When Akari just recalled Saburo’s comment about Godzilla having a change of heart, she believes he is telling the truth.
“We do gotta be prepared for Night Light’s arrival in this city at night, however…” Hayato told his friends, knowing they must stay on topic about Night Light. “And make sure you have the katanas ready for later because I know they have had no effect on him the previous night, we cannot make this same mistake again!”
Throughout the entire afternoon and the evening, Hayato, Akari, Rina, and Saburo all have gone upstairs spending time about the next plan they should carry out hoping they can defeat Night Light. Meanwhile, the others have remained in the basement, doing nothing.
“Okay, how are we gonna stop Night Light from destroying Yokohama?” Saburo asked Hayato, figuring out what they can do so that Night Light can be defeated this time.
Hayato started thinking for a few seconds, and then he came up with an answer, telling his friends, “I know what we will do! When Night Light arrives, we are all gonna sneak up on him without him even noticing us from behind. Next, while distracted, we must activate the katanas and release the magic from it as quickly as possible.”
“Wait, you sure this idea of yours is actually gonna work?” Akari looked not so sure about Hayato’s plan.
“Come on, I know this plan can succeed!” Hayato told Akari, feeling very confident that his plan is not gonna end in failure. “I just know this plan will not backfire in the end. This plan can end in success, and you all gotta trust me!”
“Somehow, we all believe in Hayato, since we are friends with you anyway.” Rina replied, having her trust in Hayato’s heart. “And as long as we remain together, we can be victorious at the end of the day.”
Saburo also agreed, saying, “Hayato has a point, so we must believe in him.”
A couple hours later, it was night time at 10:00, and the gang are sleeping resting in the living room. Rina has a book with her, which is placed on her stomach. But the sleep would be interrupted when a loud explosion was heard from far away.
“What was that noise…?” Daichi wondered just as he woke up from his rest. “Was it an earthquake or something?”
“It wasn’t an earthquake, it was someone who we already have known is causing trouble.” Hayato looked out the window, seeing that it is Night Light attacking Kyoto. As usual, people escaped and flee from this unicorn’s destruction for as long as they could so they could survive.
“If it is Night Light, we gotta moving fast!” Akari jumped up from the couch and grabbed her katana before heading out the door.
Saburo already has his sword, and the rest grabbed their swords along, too.
“Another battle with this monster is gonna be happening again, and this time we will not be losing this time just like it was before. Period!” Kenji told his friends as they tracked down the cruel, destructive unicorn who is in Kyoto.
The soldiers from the Yokota Air Base, located in Tokyo, and also the police officers from the same city, have been arrived, dealing with the all-powerful unicorn, Night Light, striving themselves and protect Kyoto from Night Light’s rampage. Mr. Sugiyama, who is the leading solider of the Yokota Air Base, brought his team at a position so they can kill Night Light.
“Night Light, stop what you are doing immediately!” Mr. Sugiyama warned Night Light that he was placing the giant evil unicorn under arrest for killing and hurting the citizens and destroying Tokyo, in which case the destruction was very large.
Letting out a sigh for a brief second, Night Light responded, telling the soldiers and police officers, “It seems you won’t let me continue my fun killing these poor, pathetic and useless humans and destroy this entire city now, will you? Fine, guess I can play with you all for some time before I eradicate you all.” He laughed.
With the unicorn not stopping himself, they have been left with no choice aside from fighting him.
“Alright, men! Fire at will!” Mr. Sugiyama yelled, ordering his crew to fire the missiles at Night Light, and at the same time, the police officers opened fire, helping the military out and work together.
The missiles from the tanks and bullets from the guns, however, had no effect on the titanic-sized unicorn, and then Night Light suddenly levitated one of the guns, destroying it.
“You gotta be kidding!” One soldier freaked out that the missiles did not work on the unicorn.
“We all just opened fire together at the giant unicorn, and yet it didn’t even hurt him?!” Another soldier looked stunned how Night Light was not even damaged a single bit, perhaps even more. “This unicorn must have taken some damage. There’s no way he could have not been injured from those bullets and missiles we’ve fired!”
“For one, my power is limitless.” Night Light told the soldiers and officers, reminding them that his size and power is so intense, attacks can barely hurt him. “Second, I’m murdering every single soldier and police officer remaining.”
The soldiers and officers have dropped their guns, and they tried to get back inside tanks and police officer cars, but Night Light levitated before they could run away from him.
“Put us down, you monster!” Mr. Sugiyama told Night Light, begging for mercy from the monstrous unicorn that he will let him live. “Please, I can do anything, anything for you, I swear I’m not lying!”
“Apologies aren’t enough, and it doesn’t stop from killing you insects either.” Night Light replied before destroying the soldiers and officers completely, blowing them into dust.
Watching the dust falling onto the ground, Night Light, having no remorse and not caring about the humans, laughed in an evil way, and he fired magic blasts at the tanks and police officer cars, destroying them in the process. It was at this moment that Night Light could only do nothing but continue his rampage even further.
Hayato and his friends watched from behind a building they have been as they saw Night Light walk straightforward, destroying more citizens and buildings in his path.
“This is bad! If we don’t do something, Night Light is gonna destroy everything that’s in Kyoto!” Saburo told Hayato, feeling very afraid that they would be too late to save Kyoto from Night Light’s terror.
“Remember the plan we discussed about this afternoon through the evening?” Hayato asked, wondering whether or not Saburo has remembered.
Saburo thought about it for three seconds, and then realized that he remembered the plan that he, Hayato and his friends, have been discussing the whole time. “Yes, I remember the plan now.” Saburo said.
“Now then, we must chase after that tyrant.” Kenji told the gang, as they ran as quickly as possible, but without Night Light noticing them.
Night Light roared so loudly, the people couldn’t handle his anger. Run, run, run as much as you little tinies please, I, Night Light, will find you and kill you!” He giggled in a cruel way just as he fired another magic blast from his horn at buildings closer to his massive size.
Even if the residents inside the buildings tried any chances of escaping, it was pointless, as the huge magic blast hit the buildings, killing anyone who was inside.
Night Light stomped on vehicles as he kept on going while seeing the tinies on the streets still running away from him. “Bingo!” He said, firing another magic blast at the crowd fleeing from him.
Although multiple tinies who weren’t fast enough have died from the blast Night Light fired, the remaining people who have ran fast as they could survived. Unfortunately, Night Light was still approaching as he fired more magic blasts at other buildings, left and right. He only can see the entire city burn the whole night, even after he disappears.
“Okay, now’s the chance.” Hayato told his friends, preparing for an attack from behind.
“Combining the katanas together, this should finish him!” Everyone said together at once, releasing the magic from the katanas. It aimed at Night Light so quickly, it eventually hit the giant unicorn from behind.
Night Light soon stopped himself, having heard a sound. “Who dares stand in my way?” Night Light wondered, looking curious on what was happening just now. He eventually turned around, seeing that Hayato and his friends are back again, except they have a new friend helping them, Saburo.
“You insects again?” Night Light was annoyed that Hayato and his friends are in his way yet again. “This time, I will end you all for good.”
“Not if we do it first, you big mouth unicorn!” Daichi charged at Night Light with this katana, unleashing a side attack, aiming directly at Night Light with his attack, but he dodged the attack blocking it with his hoof.
As Daichi came further towards Night Light, the unicorn levitated Daichi and threw him into a building, making him hurt his back.
The others approached Night Light, though Hayato decided to attack Night Light from behind.
“Now!” Akari said, as she and the rest unleashed the magic blast from the katanas at Night Light, still he blocked it with his hoof, sending it another direction.
“You all really gotta think of something else…” Night Light told the gang, finding these attacks very useless which could do absolutely nothing at all. “If this is all you gotta offer me, consider me really not impressed today.”
“Hey, don’t mind me cutting off your tail now, do you?” Hayato asked from behind, planning on cutting Night Light’s tail using his katana, but he must activate the magic from it in order to do so.
Night Light, believing Hayato is mocking him, stopped Hayato from cutting his tail, which would be a pain. “No you don’t!” He said, dropping Hayato onto the ground.
Fed up with the heroes interfering with his plans, Night Light once again created a sleeping spell on Hayato and his friends, and soon the katanas eventually dropped. Night Light was then feeling like nobody in the world could stop him at this moment.
“There, now that takes care of them.” Night Light said, resuming his walk and cause destruction elsewhere in Yokohama. “No one can stop me! No one!” He laughed evilly.
Minutes later, Hayato and his friends eventually woke up from the sleeping spell, knowing that Night Light never puts a sleeping spell permanently. They soon picked up their katanas, and watched the buildings set on fire following the damage that Night Light has done.
“Aww, give me a break! He’s gotten away with it again!” Rina shouted with frustration seeing Night Light has disappeared, meaning she and her friends have lost the war.
“Calm down, Rina. There’s nothing we can do right now.” Akari comforted her friend that they do not have any time tracking Night Light down. “Trust me, we’ll get him next time, and I promise we’ll be victorious!”
“She’s right, and I have another location where we are gonna be visiting tomorrow.” Hayato told his friends that he has made up another idea for the next city where he and his friends will be going the next time Night Light attacks.
Snapping his finger, a portal opened, and they will locate themselves into another city within Japan. Hayato and his friends walked through the portal, wondering which city it will be next.
“As they say, always another day for the better…” Kenji said, entering the portal.
Though they have lost another war against the unicorn, Hayato and his friends end up taking themselves into another city through a portal, hoping they all are victorious the next time Night Light plans a devastating attack in Japan for the third time.
To be continued…

safe2243550 artist:cheezedoodle961155 edit179067 editor:jaredking779293 night light3093 pony1674190 unicorn570099 g42104791 attack on pony160 frog (hoof)21198 giant pony6058 highrise ponies980 irl85788 japan1828 looking at you276886 macro15693 male576633 photo99753 ponies in real life6809 raised hoof74753 smiling423828 solo1485414 stallion207021 story included13729 underhoof72348 yokohama4


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Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
Artist -

The MLP Lover-Fan
  • This is the third episode in Attack on Night Light II, and the fourth episode in the Attack on Night Light series
  • This episode resumes from where the first episode left off.
  • Though the story for this episode was completed ten days on September 10 before the second episode in the Attack on Firelight and Stellar Flare series this was still submitted five days after that one.
  • This was originally scheduled for a release in May, but it was pushed to this month following schedule delays.
  • Out of all the highrise ponies I have made this year, this one has so far been delayed the longest, with 233 days, having been made on February 7, 2023 and not be submitted on this site until today.
  • This is the third image taking place in Yokohama, following Images >>2402005 and >>2729438.
  • Night Light keeps his original eye color.