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Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, apple bloom, applejack, autumn blaze, berry punch, berryshine, big macintosh, button mash, cup cake, derpy hooves, discord, dj pon-3, filthy rich, flash magnus, fluttershy, gallus, grand pear, granny smith, huckleberry, king sombra, lightning dust, lord tirek, matilda, maud pie, meadowbrook, minuette, mistmane, moondancer, nightmare moon, november rain, ocellus, octavia melody, owlowiscious, pinkie pie, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess flurry heart, princess luna, queen chrysalis, rainbow dash, rarity, rockhoof, sandbar, scootaloo, shining armor, silverstream, smolder, soarin', somnambula, spike, spitfire, star swirl the bearded, starlight glimmer, sunset shimmer, sweetie belle, tank, thorax, tree of harmony, trixie, twilight sparkle, vinyl scratch, yona, alicorn, changedling, changeling, changeling queen, draconequus, dragon, earth pony, griffon, hippogriff, pegasus, pony, unicorn, yak, ponies the anthology vii, a canterlot wedding, a hearth's warming tail, a royal problem, amending fences, apple family reunion, baby cakes, castle sweet castle, crusaders of the lost mark, fall weather friends, filli vanilli, friendship is magic, g4, it's about time, keep calm and flutter on, lesson zero, magic duel, magical mystery cure, maud pie (episode), molt down, no second prances, pinkie apple pie, princess twilight sparkle (episode), road to friendship, school daze, school raze, season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, season 8, season 9, shadow play, she's all yak, sleepless in ponyville, slice of life (episode), sonic rainboom (episode), sounds of silence, tanks for the memories, testing testing 1-2-3, the best night ever, the crystal empire, the crystalling, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, the last roundup, the perfect pear, the return of harmony, to where and back again, twilight's kingdom, winter wrap up, absolutely everypony, animated, apple family, applejack's hat, background pony, claws, colt, cowboy hat, crying, crystal heart, cutie mark crusaders, dragoness, element of generosity, element of honesty, element of kindness, element of loyalty, element of magic, elements of harmony, end of ponies, equal cutie mark, eyes closed, female, filly, filly twilight sparkle, flying, friendship student, future twilight, golden oaks library, group hug, hat, hug, japanese, male, mane six, mare, music video, photo, pillars of equestria, ponytones, ponytones outfit, ponyville, rainbow power, school of friendship, siblings, sisters, sky, sound, spread wings, stallion, student six, teenager, the legend of heroes, the legend of heroes: sen no kiseki, trails of cold steel 2, tree, twilight snapple, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight's castle, unicorn twilight, wall of tags, we're apples to the core, webm, winged spike, wings, younger
Size: 960x540 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, applejack, big macintosh, cheerilee, cup cake, fluttershy, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, spike, starlight glimmer, stygian, thorax, trixie, twilight sparkle, alicorn, changedling, changeling, dragon, pony, unicorn, a royal problem, celestial advice, every little thing she does, fame and misfortune, g4, no second prances, season 5, season 6, season 7, shadow play, the crystalling, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, the times they are a changeling, to where and back again, uncommon bond, animated, background pony, book, box, bump, butt, canterlot castle, clinging, comforting, comic, compilation, crying, cuddling, cute, equal cutie mark, floppy ears, forgiveness, friendship, frown, glimmerbetes, grabbing, gritted teeth, group hug, happy, headbutt, hill, holding hooves, hug, king thorax, leaning, magic, mane six, mirror, night, ouch, our town, plot, poking, ponyville, present, rainbow, raised hoof, redemption, sad, screencap comic, sky, smiling, snuggling, sonic rainboom, student, teacher, tears of joy, time vortex, touch, tree, twiabetes, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight's castle, twilight's castle library, villains touching twilight, wall of tags
Size: 1080x1080 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, amethyst skim, applejack, bacon braids, barren hymn, cloud brûlée, double diamond, fluttershy, log jam, moonstone (g4), party favor, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, starlight glimmer, sunny song, twilight sparkle, white marble, alicorn, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g4, season 5, the cutie map, animated, applejack's hat, cowboy hat, cutie mark, equal cutie mark, eyes closed, female, floppy ears, grin, hat, magic, male, mane six, mare, open mouth, smiling, sound, stallion, telekinesis, text, tiktok, twilight sparkle (alicorn), webm
Size: 1990x1119 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, amethyst skim, applejack, bacon braids, barren hymn, blueberry frosting, bubblegum spritz, currant dust, double diamond, flower flight, fluttershy, ivy vine, magnolia blush, moon dust, moonstone (g4), offbeat, party favor, pepperjack, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, rosemary, simple sweet, spike, starlight glimmer, sugar belle, sunny song, twilight sparkle, wheat tortillas, white marble, alicorn, pony, g4, the cutie map, collage, cutie map, cutie mark vault, equal cutie mark, mane six, our town, staff, staff of sameness, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight's castle
Size: 1978x1113 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, aloe, amethyst star, apple bloom, applejack, auburn vision, berry blend, berry bliss, berry punch, berryshine, big macintosh, bon bon, bulk biceps, carrot cake, carrot top, cheerilee, cherry berry, citrine spark, clever musings, cloudchaser, daisy, derpy hooves, diamond tiara, dj pon-3, doctor whooves, flitter, flower wishes, fluttershy, gallus, golden harvest, granny smith, huckleberry, lemon hearts, lily, lily valley, linky, lotus blossom, lyra heartstrings, mayor mare, minuette, november rain, ocellus, octavia melody, peppermint goldylinks, pinkie pie, pipsqueak, pokey pierce, pound cake, pumpkin cake, rainbow dash, rarity, roseluck, sandbar, sassaflash, scootaloo, sea swirl, seafoam, shoeshine, silver spoon, silverstream, smolder, snails, snips, sparkler, spike, spring melody, sprinkle medley, starlight glimmer, strawberry scoop, sugar maple, summer breeze, summer meadow, sunshower raindrops, sweetie belle, sweetie drops, thunderlane, time turner, twilight sparkle, twinkleshine, twist, vinyl scratch, yona, alicorn, changeling, dragon, earth pony, griffon, hippogriff, pegasus, pony, unicorn, yak, mlp fim's twelfth anniversary, a hearth's warming tail, fame and misfortune, friendship is magic, g4, magical mystery cure, school daze, season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, season 8, season 9, the beginning of the end, the best night ever, the crystal empire, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, the last problem, the return of harmony, twilight's kingdom, 12 years of pony, anniversary, big crown thingy, book, clothes, cupcake, cutie mark crusaders, dress, element of generosity, element of honesty, element of kindness, element of laughter, element of loyalty, element of magic, elements of harmony, eyes closed, female, filly, flower trio, foal, food, friendship express, friendship student, gala dress, gigachad spike, happy birthday mlp:fim, jewelry, locomotive, male, mane eight, mane seven, mane six, mare, older, older applejack, older fluttershy, older mane seven, older mane six, older pinkie pie, older rainbow dash, older rarity, older spike, older twilight, older twilight sparkle (alicorn), open mouth, princess twilight 2.0, regalia, school of friendship, singing, stallion, steam locomotive, student six, train, twilight sparkle (alicorn), unicorn twilight, wall of tags
Size: 1958x1101 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, applejack, fluttershy, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, spike, starlight glimmer, twilight sparkle, alicorn, pony, fame and misfortune, g4, lesson zero, make new friends but keep discord, marks for effort, my little pony best gift ever, party of one, season 1, season 2, season 4, season 5, season 7, season 8, secrets and pies, simple ways, tanks for the memories, the best night ever, the cutie map, :i, applejack is best facemaker, chalkboard, collage, derp, do i look angry, faic, floppy ears, flutterrage, fluttershy is best facemaker, i mean i see, mane six, now eat up, pinkamena diane pie, pinkie pie is best facemaker, pudding face, quiet, ragelight glimmer, rainbow dash is best facemaker, rarihick, rarity is best facemaker, starlight glimmer is best facemaker, tail, tail hole, twilight snapple, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight sparkle is best facemaker, twilight's castle, why i'm creating a gown darling, you're going to love me
Size: 2000x1125 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, amethyst skim, barren hymn, double diamond, flower flight, ivy vine, moon dust, night glider, party favor, rosemary, simple sweet, starlight glimmer, sugar belle, sunny song, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g4, season 5, the cutie map, angry, equal cutie mark, female, floppy ears, frown, male, mare, open mouth, our town, ragelight glimmer, rant, shocked, shocked expression, stallion, villainous breakdown, wavy mouth
Size: 1968x1109 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, starlight glimmer, pony, unicorn, g4, season 5, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, angry, crying, cutie mark vault, equal cutie mark, evil, evil smile, female, floppy ears, glowing horn, grin, gritted teeth, horn, magic, magic aura, open mouth, quiet, rage, ragelight glimmer, s5 starlight, smiling, solo, staff, staff of sameness, tears of rage, teeth, twilight's castle, vein, wavy mouth, wind
Size: 2204x6364 | Tagged: safe, artist:silverbuller, edit, edited screencap, screencap, amethyst skim, applejack, bacon braids, barren hymn, blueberry frosting, cloud brûlée, currant dust, double diamond, dusk drift, flower flight, fluttershy, ivy vine, magnolia blush, moon dust, moonstone (g4), night glider, offbeat, party favor, pepperjack, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, sheer silk, starlight glimmer, sugar belle, sunny song, twilight sparkle, velvet fog, white marble, alicorn, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g4, the cutie map, angry, bad end, comic, cult, cute, double diamond is not amused, egalitarianism, equal cutie mark, equalized, equalized mane six, female, glare, honesty, indoctrination hut, jackabetes, male, mane six, mare, night glider is not amused, our town, party favor is not amused, pinkie pie is not amused, rainbow dash is not amused, sad, sadorable, screencap comic, stallion, sugar belle is not amused, suspicious, tearjerker, this did not end well, twilight sparkle (alicorn), unamused, wall of names, wall of tags, wide eyes
Size: 500x447 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, editor:twilyisbestpone, screencap, amber tresses, double diamond, rosemary, starlight glimmer, sunburst, twilight sparkle, alicorn, pony, unicorn, all bottled up, every little thing she does, g4, marks for effort, road to friendship, season 5, season 6, season 7, season 8, season 9, student counsel, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, the last problem, uncommon bond, :i, absurd file size, absurd gif size, animated, bags under eyes, beautiful, bedroom eyes, blanket, blinking, board game, bracelet, butt, c:, cheek squish, chocolate, clapping, clothes, compilation, concentrating, cup, cupcake, cute, daaaaaaaaaaaw, dragon pit, drink, drinking, empathy cocoa, equal cutie mark, excited, eye shimmer, eyes closed, faic, female, filly, filly starlight glimmer, floppy ears, foal, food, gif, glimmer glutes, glimmerbetes, glimmy, glowing, glowing horn, grin, hair flip, hair over one eye, hammock, happy, headbob, headmare starlight, hnnng, hooves on the table, horn, hot chocolate, i mean i see, icing bag, jewelry, laughing, levitation, library, lidded eyes, lip bite, looking at you, looking back, loop, magic, magic aura, male, nodding, older, older starlight glimmer, older sunburst, older twilight, older twilight sparkle (alicorn), open mouth, open smile, pigtails, plot, princess twilight 2.0, raised hoof, s5 starlight, school of friendship, sitting, smiling, smiling at you, squee, squishy cheeks, stallion, starlight glimmer is best facemaker, starlight's bracelet, starlight's office, sunburst the bearded, talking, teacakes, telekinesis, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight's castle, twilight's castle library, wall of tags, waving, waving at you, younger
Size: 1273x713 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, applejack, double diamond, fluttershy, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, twilight sparkle, alicorn, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g4, season 5, the cutie map, discovery family, discovery family logo, equal cutie mark, female, flying, horn, logo, male, mane six, mare, meme, open mouth, open smile, smiling, stallion, text, twilight sparkle (alicorn), when she doesn't smile, youtube caption
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, amethyst skim, applejack, barren hymn, blueberry frosting, cloud brûlée, dusk drift, flower flight, fluttershy, ivy vine, magnolia blush, moon dust, moonstone (g4), night glider, offbeat, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, sheer silk, starlight glimmer, twilight sparkle, velvet fog, wheat tortillas, alicorn, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g4, the cutie map, animated, background pony, circling, creepy, cult, desert, equal cutie mark, equal sign, equalized, female, house, mane six, music, our town, over the garden wall, s5 starlight, seizure warning, singing, smug, smuglight glimmer, song, sound, twilight sparkle (alicorn), webm
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, amethyst skim, applejack, blueberry frosting, bubblegum spritz, cloud brûlée, dusk drift, fluttershy, offbeat, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, starlight glimmer, twilight sparkle, alicorn, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, ponies the anthology vi, g4, the cutie map, the cutie re-mark, adolf hitler, alternate timeline, animated, crystal war timeline, cult, egalitarianism, equal cutie mark, equalized, equalized mane, female, male, mane six, mare, musical, our town, s5 starlight, sound, springtime for hitler, stallion, the producers, twilight sparkle (alicorn), webm