but it was never gone, and these are in fact from a 8 pages doujin it was made some time ago, is jusr that recently anonscalations was allowed to translate it.
I thought the joke was that while Rainbow Dash was out getting her mane wet, Fluttershy actually did the same thing in hopes of garnering more attention.
oh! even better!..=D!…I thank those guys for translating this awesome story!..^^
thanks for the info
pony pox
I’ve waited long enough! I NEED MY FIX!
but it was never gone, and these are in fact from a 8 pages doujin it was made some time ago, is jusr that recently anonscalations was allowed to translate it.
Also, the one looking the best with wet hair would be Pinkie.
Ah. Perhaps it’s a “By coincidence Fluttershy was caught in the rain and happened to sneeze at precisely the wrong time” gag, then?
The xmas comic had fluttershy mention she could not be santa because she would crack under pressure. just saying.
From what I’ve seen by Shepherd, that’s not the kind of change that he does to the characterizations.
I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but this kind of comic isn’t always 100% accurate in terms of their characterisation. Rule of funny and all that.
And just look at Rainbow’s face. It screams, “Don’t tell me she…”
Interesting interpretation, but no, Fluttershy doesn’t want attention on herself. Ever.
She would crack under the pressure.
I’ll go with this one :3
Yeah, I was under that impression too.
Ah. That makes more sense. Gotta remember to take of these pink glasses I got shipped.
We’ll patiently wait.
I don’t believe so. The punchline is that poor Dash can’t even sneeze cutely for popularity without somebody else besting her.
Sorry guys.