T-Shirt (both sides printed), 20” plushie, 22 stickers, 2 blind bag figures (not yet in stores), 1 customized blind bag (former Rainbow Dash), a name card and a sketch made by JJ back in Galacon 2013.
Plushie: http://varonya.deviantart.com/art/Medley-Plushie-425951520
Sketch: http://24.media.tumblr.com/5ad1333682675653be3034eef452ed41/tumblr_mr3zsyE1Wp1r3c10yo10_r1_1280.jpg
Stickers and Custom Blind Bag - that’s a secret, I promised to keep. ;>
She used to be a pretty well known pony in Season 1, when only few ponies were popular.
You know what to do. :>
Find someone, who makes a plushie for you, for example. Or 3D-Prints or something. ;)
Oh thank you. ;3
I need a new Sprinkle Medley toy. The very left one (as a neckchain) is all worn out by weather, cold, heat, and so on.