Musical Inspiration Here
Feeling depressed again, so I had to stop all work and do this speed painting of Pinky Pie and Fluttershy just having a good time.
I don’t really understand why, but I just get into these moods where I feel like crap and nothing really matters. Or that I have no really purpose on this earth. I have suffered from depression in the past and I have recovered from that, but I still have these really bad moments where things are all just doom and glum. Today it just got really bad… I started to feel physically ill and just didn’t want to talk to anyone or anything, but after this painting I am feeling a lot better. I actual started to cry once this was finished. I’m not sure why, but it was a nice relief to do this. It felt pretty amazing.
I can’t really tell if I like Pinky Pie or not… She’s a strange character… Maybe I will watch more episodes with her in it and find out… Yeah that sounds like a nice end for to the night.
I’m sorry I keep getting all sad like this and ranting about it to you guys, but at lest you get some art from it all?
Speed painting. About 120 min of work.”