(W) Jeremy Whitley (A) Jenn Blake (CA) Amy Mebberson
When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon see those obnoxious blank flanks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, threaten to win a school contest, they decide go all out to make sure the best ponies win! (Being themselves, of course!)
Baby steps, man. Baby steps
See I think the comics should shift focus from the main character (since the have there own tv show) and focus own side characters (that includes the princesses)
Look at “art of the gazebo repair” totally focuses on Big Mac and is considered one of the best comic arcs
Then there was the Manehatten arc that gave great characterization to Trixie and Bab Seed
Even Cadence and Shining Armor got a pretty good back story
And now the bad guys are getting there own issues because let’s face it they’re most likely never going in depth on there origins in the show so why not use the EU to actually expand the universe
But this is a big surprise to me to see these two characters get a focus comic.
Friendship is Magic. It doesn’t always have to be good magic.
Yeah, I’d like to see some “adorable yet still a biotch” moments like that for them both. :)
Yeah, admittedly their moment in Pinkie Pride was one of my favorites. I would kill for Diamond to sing again! If they could slip in moments like that throughout the comic, I’d be totally game.
Yeah, and ‘cause Tiara is the “leader” she comes off as the “almighty evil one,” while people tend to have more sympathy for the lacky, even though Tiara hasn’t really been mean to her, and they both seem to get along.
I did like that brief moment in “Pinkie Pride” where they tried to steal that shake away from each other showing they both do kinda pick on each other, but are still friends.
(Plus Tiara’s brief singing bit was kinda cute.)
Well, I’ll consider it anyways. Thanks for the recommendation anyways. :)
Yeah, it makes no sense. I guess it’s because there was the Foal Free Press episode where Diamond Tiara tried to make them miserable without Silver Spoon, whereas Silver Spoon hasn’t had a solo episode? I don’t know.
And yeah, you probably wouldn’t like it then. They are in an established relationship in my fic, even though it’s not the focus. Ah well, just thought I’d mention it, just in case.
Yeah, plus it feels just to biased in favor of Spoon, which I don’t get. Aside from applauding Granny Smith in “Family Appreciation Day,” (prior to that Spoon was also trying hard to make Bloom embarrassed about her Granny, “Hiiii!”) she’s really been no better the Tiara has been. Plus as I said, she’d just feel like another “Babs Seed” if she suddenly just did a heel-face-turn against Tiara.
I don’t read fanfics often, but I’ll consider it. (Not to into ’shipfics though, as I kinda prefer these 2 as friends.)
Oh gods me too. That is so annoying.
I mean, I like Diamond being the ringleader, since she basically is, but yeah. That cliche gets so old so fast.
Actually, I wrote a fanfic about them being slightly older (on the verge of graduation), looking into a little of who I think they are and what I think they’d become as they grew up. It’s anthro, and I don’t know if you’d even be interested, but if you want to check it out it’s called In the Arms of the One I Love. I put it on my fimfiction. Yeah, I know, kind of a shill, but I think you might like it.
Yeah, I wouldn’t want them “to watered-down” either. Just a li’l more likeable/appealing, while still being “themselves.”
One fanon about them I don’t like is, “Spoon is redeemable, Tiara is not. Silver’s not really mean, she’s only bad, because Tiara makes her that way! She’s basically another Babs Seed.” For some reason that one always bugged me, and I hope they don’t do something like that…
I don’t know.
I think it would really be a hard balancing act. Going too far with the nice moments would ruin what I find so enjoyable about them. Yeah, it would be great to see more, especially friendship moments between them, as long as they don’t do some stupid cliched backstory. Oh, they aren’t loved enough at home and that’s why they’re so mean. Screw that noise. I see that way too often in too many bad fanfics.
Like I said, this is the one issue that could actually get me to come back to the comics, but for now I’m just cautiously optimistic.
Thankies. :)
I know this may sound odd, but I’d like to see a comic issue, or episode that kinda makes them both a li’l more appealing. Alot of fans downright loathe them, especially with the ep’ “Flight to the Finish.”
Though, I felt they had some oddly “cute” moments in “Twilight Time.” (Look under the “Diamondbetes” tag, and you’ll see what I mean.) I’d hope the issue has some cute/funny moments with them, so they have more to them then just “lol we’re mean” basically.
Hear, hear.
It is a nice change of pace to me. I mean “snotty/bully” characters have had focus in kid shows in the past, (like Angelica of “Rugrats,” or Budnick of “Salute Your Shorts”) so it’s about time. I’d prefer if it shows some other sides to their personality, and have a li’l focus on their friendship to, but still keep them both in-character. (Or in other words still snots, but they could play that up for laughs, like when they were stealing that drink from each other in “Pinkie Pride.”)
They could have a role in the episode where the mane six are incapacitated and the CMC are required to defeat whomever. Using either Wild Rainbow or a future, ever more garrish toyline. (We’re all aware of the exponential rate of garrishness in the toys, yeah? XD )
They should. Otherwise, what’ll be the point of keeping them? The CMC have grown beyond their weak taunts. Why not have these two grow a little as well?
Pftt, like the writers would ever do something like give one of the bullies character development
I never watched Gravity Falls. Even if the story is great (and I’m not going to deny that it might be), I just can’t pass the simplistic art style.
Newest Gravity Falls episode