Luna: Patience seems to be necessary here. And we have lots and lots of time.
Often problems are complex and have multiple contributing factors. I originally was going for a couple of these, the mild homophobia and the Nightmare thing, but then I read more comments and speculation which brought up other valid points. I sadly left out a few, because this is already waaaay too text heavy.
I know some folks were really hoping I wouldnt bring in real world issues like homophobia (and others really hoping for it!). They like to keep their ponies and the awful things of the world separate. I understand, but this issue is very personal for me. This was a mild way for me to vent my own fears, even if if is diluted with problems very specific to these characters.
Well, the standards for ‘our’ God(s) vary from culture to culture anyway, but agreed-we certainly never hear anypone on the show refer to the royal flappy hornheads as such.
Celestia isn’t even that powerful, let alone a God. She’s just a pony like anypony else, and so are the other alicorns.
You do if God’s a walking, breathing, mistake-making being like everypone else. And has a comparably-potent sibling with some history of possession/depression-based megalomania.
It was.
@Background Pony #3401
You came to the wrong fandom, paaaaaaaaaaal
Usually, the person you’re addressing doesn’t even deserve the dignity of proper grammar.
But yeah, I just really like hyperlinking images and don’t always double check.
Whoever made that image really needs to be introduced to the wonderful world of apostrophes.
Still, reported anyway. I don’t quite ship TwiLuna, but anyone who says a pairing is terrible because it’s same-sex says more about themselves than the ship quality. Keep doing what you’re doing, I implore you!
@Background Pony #4DC2
Nah, we’ve had that complaint even before Season 1 ended. Fun fact: the fanfic Cupcakes was a direct response to the perceived oversaturation of PinkieDash when things were still on /co/. Turns out, when most important characters are girls, that results in the biggest ships following the same trend. of course, works the other way too, with male cast shows getting a lot of slash and a similar amount of complaints.
My bad, i have been unusually busy with college and work.
@Background Pony #3401
Its ok to dislike stuff, but there is no need to be rude, you know.
@Background Pony #60F1
I reported the guy half an hour ago and nothing seems to have come of it yet. The mods are usually much faster about this kind of thing.
And no, I mean no disrespect to the artist.
I keep telling everyone that you, Background Pony #3401, are our lord the master of art contents, and all artists should draw what you prefer, doing anything else is a waste of their time, but they just won’t listen! All these silly artists keep saying that they want to draw things that they like, but I remind them that they are just a pawn to Background Pony #3401’s whim, and should only draw what their lord wishes.
Praise be.
Because I am a “dyke” and I like drawing ships I can relate to.
From what we know, she’s at least a thousand and then some years old. Perhaps that’s considered “young” within the alicorn culture?
Sides, [headcanon] Twi is now immortal too, she has time to catch up to Luna.
Your average unicorn and potion aren’t that powerful, I guess.
The other thing that´s a real concern is the age; wow, that´s a good punch in Luna´s confidence.
That being said, the fact that Luna was considering abusing her powers to emotionally manipulate somepony, who was already concerned Luna might have been doing exactly that, strikes a chord of worry. Even if it’s in jest, the fact that she could and the fact there’s no way to detect or prevent it would undoubtedly remain at the back of Velvet’s mind forever.
At least most of those are legitimate concerns