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Name: Ruby Splash  
Species: Pegasus  
Gender: Female  
Sexuality: Bisexual  
Sibling / Sibling’s: A sister – Ruby Soul  
Cutie Mark: A splash of red with a ruby in the centre  
Current residence: Everfree Forest / Cloudsdale  
Occupation: Rainbow factory worker  
Special Talent: She makes jewellery with the ruby’s she found in the cave with Thorn.
History: From a young age Ruby was always a quiet and timid individual. Having very few friends and a general disinterest in flying, the young Pegasus was very much an outcast from her fellow kin. So much so in fact that she was often the butt end of jokes, teasing and the general mean tendencies of young foals. Ruby hated it but didn’t know what to do about it, even when asked if she was alright she never said a word. In the end she became even more reclusive and spent a lot of her time alone, hidden away in secret corners of Cloudsdale where nopony could find her.
It was during one of these hideaways that she managed to stumble and ended up falling off the edge of a cloud. If she had been a little more interested in flying the rest of her life could have been very different but in this case it was not. Lacking both the skill and strength to pull out of a freefall she ended up crash landing in the depths of the Everfree Forest. With a broken wing and no idea of where she actually was Ruby was seemingly doomed to a slow and painful death but it was not to be. Surrounded by spooky noises and moving shadows her mind began to dwell on the tales she had heard about the Everfree Forest.
As the fears and insecurities began to swarm her young mind something finally gave way. Years of bullying and teasing combined with her own fears pushed her over the edge and she bolted into the forest. She didn’t stop running for ages, not until her legs finally gave in and she collapsed in a heap. It was then that she noticed a cave and managed to drag herself inside. There she hid, curled up in a tight ball, shaking like a leaf. It was three days before a single pony happened across the cave during a walk of the forest. When he found Ruby she already looked almost dead but as he approached her she sprung to her feet. He was greeted with wide eyes and abject terror as the young Pegasus began to back away from him. He stared at her and held out a hoof and told her not to be afraid and that he’d take her some place safer, she looked up at him weakly and was a bit hesitant at first but she sighed and smiled and took the colts hoof. After a few days Ruby and Thorn * The pegasus who saved her* became close friends, he had offered to help treat her wing and also helped her to fly to help strengthen her wings, he had explained that even if she didn’t wish to fly she still needed to make sure he wings were strong enough to get her away from danger especially in a place like the Everfree forest.
Now how she obtained her cutie mark is quite dark but it happened on a seemingly nice day when Ruby and Thorn decided to do a little exploring which led them to a cave deep in the forest. After adventuring the cave they stumbled onto a beautiful ruby formation in the cave walls. After a while Thorn had gotten bored and looked around more as Ruby stayed to look at the gemstones, however it didn’t take long before Ruby heard a scream as she see’s him running back towards her, when asked what was wrong all he shouted out to her was “Timberwolf!”
She turned and they ran deeper into the cave only to find themselves at a dead end which was filled with even more amazing crystal and gem formations, some of the prettiest they had ever seen. They were so taken by the sight before them they had completely forgotten about the timberwolf chasing after them, the timberwolf in question quickly grabbed Thorn but his tail without them realizing and thus causing Ruby to panic. She started frantically searching for a way to get him free from its grasp until an idea clicked in her head as she started to kick one of ruby formations over and over until the ruby formation shattered and splintered everywhere. She quickly pulled the jagged edge of the gemstones she quickly flew toward to timerwolf slicing clean through its neck as she turned her head. Thorn’s screams were quickly cut short as he saw the blood oozing from the timberwolf’s throat as it released him. When Thorn fell to the ground he transformed into a creature she had never seen before as she stumbled back in shock to take in his new appearance.
He was black in colour with bug like wings and holes in his hooves he looked so weird but he was also hurt and he was still her friend after all so she lifted him onto her back carefully balancing him so he didn’t fall off. She takes her time look back at the timberwolf and poked it with her hoof to make sure it was dead. Ruby looked around just standing there, bloodied gemstones now on the floor witch was also sprayed in the dead wolf’s neon green blood. She slowly made her way out of the cave with Thorn resting on her back. She didn’t even notice the new cutie mark that adorned her flank.
It was when she got outside of the cave she bumped into much taller pony whom looked a lot like Thorn but a lot taller. When she saw the much older mare had a crown on her head she immediately bent down and bowed out of fear and respect. The taller mare with an angry look asked “what has happened here? and why is one of my own on your back?”  
Ruby gulped and nervously explained what had happened and how he had ended up getting hurt, the other mare just stares at Ruby in slight shock and then she bends down so she is level with her and thanks her for saving one of their kind.
Ruby being a curious pony asks “what sort of creatures are you anyway?” The older mare answers by explaining “we are known as changelings and you may refer to me as the queen of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis.” At hearing this Ruby can’t help but bow and this in turn confuses the queen because normally if anypony were to look at her they’d have run away in fear by now.
She asks the young filly “why are you not afraid of me young one? If you were anything like the other ponies in Equestria you’d have run away from me by now but you haven’t… why is that?” Ruby answers by explaining her side of things “Me and Thorn have been friends for a long while now and I have never saw him as any different from any other pony until he changed into the form we are looking at now” she even mentioned that if the changelings were as bad as the queen says they are meant to be she wouldn’t still be in front of her now speaking to her like she wold to any other pony.  
The queen looks at her in shocked but in happy way, she smiles slightly as she gently grabs Thorn by the scruff of his neck and asks throw her teeth “why is a young filly like you out in the forest alone anyway” Ruby explains a bit of her past to the queen and Chrysalis sees she is upset and lonely so she offers Ruby to come and join them so she wouldn’t be alone anymore. Hearing this Ruby happily accepts the queen’s request and goes with her smiling happily as she does so the queen make a comment “ Nice cutie mark by the way” and Ruby looks at her flank in shock and squeals with joy.
It was a little later on in life when she had left the company of the changelings and the queen whom she has grown to love more than an adoptive mother and was very reluctant to leave her side. But Chrysalis advised her to find a home of her own and settle down with her own kind. After some persuading she eventually made do with the cave she first took shelter in when she was a filly and made it into a cosy place to live. That was until she had an unexpected guest at her door, a member of the rescue party that had been out to look for her as a filly when she vanished. They happened to stumble on the cave and it was non-other than Rainbow Dash a fellow pegasus pony who Ruby used to know a bit from memory.
After finding out what the young pegasus had done to active her cutie mark. It was then that Rainbow made up her mind what she was doing. She explains to Ruby that she just wanted to talk to her and that they’d be going to the Weather Factory in Cloudsdale. When they got to her office Rainbow Dash explains she had been observing her for a while now and know she had been hiding out with changelings. Ruby panicked but Rainbow told her everything was alright and she would not tell any other pony if she agreed to work for her. Ruby had originally had been nervous of what work she’d be doing and now she had been working for many years at the Rainbow Factory, her mind slowly twisting more and more with each passing day as she saw other ponies being drained of their colours and then disposed of in the most gruesome ways. Even when it came to ‘processing’ some of the ponies and bullies she had known as a filly she didn’t flinch and if anything enjoyed it. Ruby now leads a split life swapping between a murderous factory worker and a shy, calm and loving pony in a split second.
It’s in a factory she fell for a stallion named Techno wing who worked on making the pegasus device and in doing so obtained a lot of scars and sadly the loss of his wings but being the inventor he was he had made his own wings to replace the ones he lost, he in turn had feelings for ruby and they soon became a couple, however Thorn now a changeling prince will always be in her heart.



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Background Pony #9524
Where not a single sole gets through.
Well, DUH.
Ponies do not wear leather shoes so they have no soles.
(You probably mean soul. ;) )