If you can read this, get me on Discord by the name
In Equestria DOT you-know-what-site-i’m-talking-about just like here: RatedRShimmer
C0MlSSl0NERS: I’ll contact you immediately so I can keep sending you advances
Yeah, at least I managed to obtain a warm fellowship on Discord and other sites, and lots of people are still migrating too
Everytime Twitter does something stupid gets closer to the impending doom. If wasn’t this, the next will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back
Dazzle: I’m said it before, and I’ll say it again: Twitter simply doesn’t work. Now, over the years, a newspony learns a number of things that for one reason or another, she just cannot say. Doesn’t seem to matter now, so… the following ponies are jerks.
Sunny:… Turn it off
Izzy: Just a second [taking notes of every name]
Yeah, at least I managed to obtain a warm fellowship on Discord and other sites, and lots of people are still migrating too
Everytime Twitter does something stupid gets closer to the impending doom. If wasn’t this, the next will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back