Pony base is a generation 4.5 Cadence. Original wings kept in place, horn severed off since I decided to give him dragon horns instead.
Base coated in white gesso for primer, Tail is also primed and hand stitched thick leather. Entire figure hand painted in acrylics, Sealed in Artists Varnish. Detailed hoof armor and tail in rhinestones. Painted chest crest from one of the other princess figures and embellished chest piece in various rhinestones and thin gold chain.
Painted a silhouette of Rarity as his cutiemark.
Crown is 3 gold spikes with some rhinestones, gold vinyl and antique brown chain. Some silver horn pendants are a smaller second set of horns to the thick hand stitched leather horns with orange hemp cord wrapped around. Red and black faux fur embellishes the mane and fills it out.
Mane is rooted in mlp nylon dollyhair in the color envy, permanently styled/hardened in hair gel method. Do not brush it out.
He has his pale ear fins near the pony ears, and the fins are a sheer pale green scarf material.
Fangs are white leather.