Twilight knows Fluttershy’s potential better than Fluttershy does. Twi knows that Flutters will be happier and more fulfilled if she tries to help Rainbow Dash and learns to connect with animals.
Twilight actually could have saved Rainbow Dash very easily with her telekinesis and whatnot. But that isn’t the point, that was never the point. The point was to let Fluttershy learn something important about who she really was - to help Fluttershy realize a potential she didn’t even know she had.
That is why Celestia had Twilight go do things so many times.
Almost every decision a high-up leader makes will lead to terrible “almosts”.
Just keep in mind that Celestia nearly and indirectly almost as Rainbow Dash eaten by animals.
It brings food to mind, but you don’t think of cannibals as being savage because they’re hungry.
Everyone gets hungry, but they don’t tie ponies up and throw them in a cauldron, so you’d think something else must’ve been at play.
And in a sense, something else was; nopony could understand or keep the animals under control.
Fluttershy’s pets get hungry, but they never do this to her. This is in large part due to RD’s inability to control them and/or communicate with them.
Dancing around someone in a pot brandishing eating and cooking utensils would not bring ‘food’ to mind?
You’d have to know the feed was the solution in order for it to catch your eye.
And no, it may seem obvious after the fact, but “they’re just hungry” doesn’t really come to mind, because in this sort of situation it more comes off as “those animals are wild!”
Rational, intelligent beings, don’t immediately resort to cannibalism when their food dish is empty, so we don’t tend to think of that, unlike the animals themselves :q
Or someone who knew Fluttershy who had actually been in the timeline where Fluttershy had ever interacted with animals :q
The rest of Ponyville may have had their memories, but probably didn’t think that Fluttershy had somehow forgotten about animals, as odd as her cutie mark changing must’ve been. Though I could also imagine, “Wasn’t her cutie mark three butterflies?” “Well, it’s obviously not, so you just must remember wrong.” “Yeah, I only saw her a few times, so I guess so.”
They’re just that hungry.
Tastes like chewy chicken, I hear.
I love how even herbivores are joining in the mob :q
Nice, Fluttershy. You doomed Equestria just to feed a few animals. And probably made those same animals crave pony flesh.
Well, that’s much more humane than cooking her :q
Lolol, you just gave me a hilarious idea, though…
“No. Fluttershy, you’re the only one that can help. Rainbow Dash needs YOU!”
Fluttershy nods solemnly. She approaches Rainbow. Their eyes meet, Rainbow scared, Flutters sad, and Fluttershy mumbles, “I’m so sorry, Rainbow. I’ll make it quick for you.” And she kills her to feed the animals.
“What? The animals were going to do it. I just made it painless for Rainbow. It’s a lot better than what the chicken was planning.”
(Is this the Fallout: Equestria version of what happens? XD )
Bash her in
Once you put it in that perspective, yeah. But that’s a bit like worrying about a mugger’s budget. It’s kind of the last thing on your mind while you’re being mugged, and Rainbow’s kind of being metaphorically mugged, here. Well, actually worse than that, since the implication is they’re going to eat her :p