“Can’t I take two steps in this town without some perverted stallion GLUING himselfto MY BACKSIDE?!”
Something of a response to this. Robrrrt sometimes gets himself into situations like this when he lets his tail trail behind him. His hooves are split like that because they can actually open up and deploy little wheels so that he can get closer to his vacuum cleaner-y roots.
Hah, those bead doorway covers are exactly the kind of thing to get accidentally sucked up, of course :P It would only be worse if the mare was a Dust Bunny rancher.
They’re fun for more fetishey ideas too, but people don’t make content with them too often :p
Thanks a lot :D For some reason vacuum cleaners are really fun to figure out designs for.
Hah, those bead doorway covers are exactly the kind of thing to get accidentally sucked up, of course :P It would only be worse if the mare was a Dust Bunny rancher.
Cute! :D Robrrrt’s design is adorable. ^^ Poor thing can’t avoid accidentally sucking loose objects, I’d imagine. Personally messed up a curtain with one, actually.
I honestly thought the complaining pony was supposed to be a ponification of this somehow, haha.