On the ground below Cloudsdale they met Cloud Trotter, a pretty unicorn mare who had a fascination for pegasi. With our game set just a few decades after the union of the tribe and the first Hearth’s Warming opinions among some ponies remain divided about the members of the other tribes. Therefore it was considered a great step that Cloudsdale had recently been opened to “wingless tourists” (after it had already been opened to griffon merchants).
This opening was made possible by the character here, Cloud Trotter, who is a master (and possibly the inventor) of the cloud walking spell which Twilight used in the series to allow for Pinkie Pie, Applejack and herself to go to Cloudsdale (S1 E16). Tourists after they got the spell (which would last for about three days before it would gradually wear off) were to climb a cloud which pegasi had brought to the ground and which they would then push upwards like a little shuttle bus to Cloudsdale.
It was a lot of fun to describe a Cloudsdale which was opening up to the world and undergoing a lot of changes as a consequence. For example Solid doors with a doorhandle (doorhoofle?) were a bit of novelty in a town where pegasi had been used to just leave openings in their cloud homes or simply walk through the walls. In parts of the town planks or tiles of stone had been given the cloud walking spell (which in the canon of the game lasts a lot longer on lifeless matter than on a pony) and put onto the clouds for the benefit of the wingless visitors (and also to prevent any items which had not been given the spell to fall right through the clouds if dropped).
Cloud Trotter played a minor role in the following adventure in Cloudsdale. Her role could have been bigger, but the player characters took more interest in some other characters and also most of the adventure took place in the clouds (much to the chagrin of earthpony Graystan who distrusts both, magic and flying) while Cloud Trotter remained on her post below Cloudsdale for most of the adventure.
Thank you very much :)
To enable the non flying characters of our pen and paper role playing game group to enter Cloudsdale we needed an expert for the cloud walking spell. So her name, Cloud Trotter, is kind of what she does.