Rarity finds herself in some awkward positions when some ponies start talking politics. They have no idea they’re talking to Princess Celestia’s currently-secret girlfriend. So they have no idea why their little plans keep getting foiled…
Rarity is secretly enjoying being an informant.
Now I wanna see how this bitch and her husband will get slammed
A side effect of the rich and powerful considering their waiters, bootblacks, barbers, tailors, maids, valets and assorted servants and perceived social inferiors as political and social non-entities. They’re so convinced they’re of no consequence whatsoever that they never remember to keep their mouths shut around them.
Of course, it’s not the same thing with a famous fashion designer like Rarity, but the general idea still applies.
Exactly, even if Twi wasn’t a princess herself she’s still Celestia’s protégé whom Rarity hangs out with on nearly a daily basis, these ponies are practically asking to have their secrets revealed.
There is a degree of how dumb does one have to be to speak of such things in front of a tailor who is friends with at least two of the princesses assuming no one sees her hanging with Celestia.
Her beau is the top dog, she’s invincible.
No, probably safer to just never talk near her.
Either that or trying to hold in laughter. I love it either way.
On another note, does this really warrant the ’alternate universe” tag?