To the best of my knowledge, that design is from a stage in development when he was called Mendax (which is the Latin word for “liar”). He supposedly considered his second pair of eyes an unsightly deformity and kept them closed, and there would have been a sub-arc where Rarity helped him accept himself and find beauty even in the parts of him he thought made him a freak, but it was cut due to time constraints – the bit where Rarity sews up his coat would be what was left of that arc in the final cut.
That tail of his was also supposed to reveal his true motives while he was doing his con man routine, although I don’t know precisely what that means. I like to think that, as he charmed and dazzled the main characters with his little song number, his tail would have been whispering what he really meant to do.
I know.
It saddens me.
To the best of my knowledge, that design is from a stage in development when he was called Mendax (which is the Latin word for “liar”). He supposedly considered his second pair of eyes an unsightly deformity and kept them closed, and there would have been a sub-arc where Rarity helped him accept himself and find beauty even in the parts of him he thought made him a freak, but it was cut due to time constraints – the bit where Rarity sews up his coat would be what was left of that arc in the final cut.
That tail of his was also supposed to reveal his true motives while he was doing his con man routine, although I don’t know precisely what that means. I like to think that, as he charmed and dazzled the main characters with his little song number, his tail would have been whispering what he really meant to do.