Turahk - Fear / Twilight Sparkle - Power
Guurahk - Disintegration / Rarity - Greed
Lerahk - Poison / Rainbow Dash - Laziness
Panrahk - Fragmentation / Applejack - Lies
Vorahk - Hunger / Pinkie Pie - Boring
Kurahk - Anger / Fluttershy - Mean
Chrysalis tosses another ball of protodermis at Sunset, who jumps off the pillar as it gets hit.
A protodermis ball launches out of the pool in the center of the room, and both Sunset and Chrysalis jump up to grab it.
Sunset: I will. Not. Lose! Draws staff
Sunset: I am done running! Harmony will be awakened this day! (to Cadance) Cadence! Summon the others!
Chrysalis: “…I…Am…Shadow. The Shadow that guards The Gate. Now run along, or accept…your…doom.”
Sunset: Throws the sticks into the darkness of Chrysalis’ lair “You can no longer hide in shadow!”