Pinkie: “Pinkie! Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?”
S: “I’m Surprise!”
P: giggles “that makes sense! Are you new to Ponyville?”
S: “Oh absolutely! To be honest, I don’t know where I am! I was sucked into a pulsating vortex and ended up here! Everything is so different! Even me!” looks at her wings and hooves as if discovering her body for the first time
P: “That sounds really exciting!”
S: “Oh, you know it! I’ve been smiling all day!”
P: laughs “Smiling is the best!”
S: “It so is!” hoofbumps “wanna hang out?”
P: “Does a teal platypus wear a fedora?” pauses a second “That means yes!” laughs
…..tell you what. I’m going to try to forget I saw that, and we can pretend it was never said.
Well I appreciate your appreciation of mine and my friend’s efforts. ^v^
This was my exact reaction. lmao
Also as for the CM looking “sperm-ish”, idk man, I just traced Surprise’s CM from a G1 screenshot.
I just used a color picker on a screenshot from G1. I tried to be as accurate as possible on all the colors. Like you said, by nature of the quality of 80’s animation, the colors were never really super consistent to the degree you’re looking at, anyway. The important bit is that she’s recognizable as who she is.
There are plenty of images about it too!

your current filter.I do like the fact her balloons look like sperms because I have Balloon Fetish and love to hump and cum all over balloons~
I’m getting a hex code of #976F86 from screencaps of Surprise, which is listed as Mountbatten Pink (a purple-y pink, to be sure) on
This image gives #4B4491, which is listed as Victoria (a shade of purple-y blue).
I suppose it’s not that far off. And it’s definitely hard to get precise colors with those old, ’80s screencaps from VHS. I did look up the toy, and it was much more purple than I had expected.
I agree with this! Love the hair! Still the wrong eye color, though. The real Surprise has pink eyes.

your current filter.Pinkie is my favorite character too!
You know I had to with the theme of the event being across the generations. ;)
No, but now I kind of what to design a ponified Perry the Platypus.
A surprise, but a welcome one to be sure.