Seriously, why can’t I find a chick who sounds like Flutterguy? The same goes for finding girls that sound like Fluttershed, PONY.MOV Rainbow Dash, or…hell, any girl that sounds like a dude!
It’s impossible to look at her and read her dialogue without hearing the voice.
I love how the explanation for why her voice is so deep is just that she’s a smoker. But then anti-climatic reveals like that are part of what make it so enjoyable.
Maybe a drag queen? I mean, gonna be hard pressed to find a sufficiently feminine one that also has the voice of an old black man, but hey, it’s a start.
With characters like Doctor Girlfriend and Flutterguy, this is becoming a new attraction/fetish thing isn’t it?
If this is what will break you, you probably are best off doing that.
It’s impossible to look at her and read her dialogue without hearing the voice.
I love how the explanation for why her voice is so deep is just that she’s a smoker. But then anti-climatic reveals like that are part of what make it so enjoyable.
I love how, after 4 and a half seasons of hearing it, it feels weird to think about it sounding any other way.
Ask for their best Alto 2.
With characters like Doctor Girlfriend and Flutterguy, this is becoming a new attraction/fetish thing isn’t it?
they’re out there.