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Guess who Ive been speaking with recently via Youtube PMs, thats right, Dakari-King Mykan the creator of My little Unicorn.  
This comic is basically how he seems to think minus actually wanting other people to do it, this is logic for him and him alone.
I tried to reason with him, I really did, I know people say thats hopeless but I wont believe it till I see it and boy did I see it. But ya know what? Hes a sociopath, he doesnt care about anyone else and even admitted he doesnt want to contribute to society. He thinks he can do what he wants without comeuppance, when I try to point out this is wrong all he does is fall back on whatever excuse comes to mind, angst being his favourite. He ignores everything I bring up of such as the hypocrisy that he can make a fanfic to attack the show but I cant make one to (that point multiple times ignored) and if that fails he accuses me of lying. He also loves to present opinion as fact, for example did you know that nobody posts sexual jokes and that people dont go for the internet just for porn online simply because he doesnt like either? Ironically this was said after I repeated a sexual joke from a YouTube comment about MLP (Without context, the show is about six lesbians and a pimp named spike). Also he doesn’t even care about me trying to reason with him, he’s so used to people doing that he was like “yeah be quick about this, im working on a video”…wow, what an ass, I’m trying to reason with him to help him in the long run, treating him as a human and he acts like breushing me off for that is like eating his breakfast.  
Oh and get this, one thing he really hates about the Little Unicron Turd besides the fact it doesnt kiss his ass is that I got the designs wrong, I point out that you cant get a design wrong in literature since its not TV and the reader is free to imagine the characters as they wish but he insists ‘its exactly like TV’. This honestly bothers him a lot that I cant read his mind and get the exact designs as I read this story, that is how petty he is. So yeah its not like we can do anything to make this guy happy.  
All of that doesnt even cover half of it but lifes too shouter so Im ending it there. You may be wondering why Im even typing this, well A. its a personal reminder and B. I heard he likes to start flame wars with his fans as his troops (long story, yes he has fans), so Im going to need this info if I am to survive. I dont care if it leads there, if he has the freedom of speech to torture Cadence or murder Twilight then I have the equal right over freedom of speech to do as I wish with that fanfic as well (oh yeah, he also seems against the idea of everyone being equally).
So here I am following his logic, if something upsets you use a creative outlet to insalt it and be sure to post it online, otherwise making something to vent out anger and not posting it online is pointless.  
Like it says in the disclaimer, despite the fact I think hes a bad person I did promise if he could find one thing about my comic that doesnt apply to his fic Id do something about it, he pointed out that and to be fair he has a point so this is the last one with him directly. I know he wont care but a promise is a promise.
Oh and expect the New Season of MLU in February. Thankfully trying to reason with him didnt push it to come out since its one of the first things he said to me suggesting it would come out regardless of whether I existed or not.  
Heres a spoiler. I hope youre not a Sparity fan because the person who had loss of sleep because Beast Boy and Terra broke up is going to be sinking that ship apparently.


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Background Pony #D0B3
Also, Twilight suffered way worse than a simple splinter… I swear, just looking at it makes me wanna vomit.
Looking at MLU:SM makes me want to mock it for being hack level while posing it as something else.
Posted Report
Background Pony #D525
The sad thing is, this comic speaks the truth.
Also, Twilight suffered way worse than a simple splinter… I swear, just looking at it makes me wanna vomit.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Stuffed animal
thick-headed, and pre-judgemental I don’t think you had to do that
Ok, I’ll apologize for that, but you were getting a li’l out of hand. You seem to be under the impression that Dakari can do no wrong, and is just “misunderstand” just because people don’t like him. Maybe he is a li’l, but that doesn’t make him a “saint,” nor anyone who criticizes his behavior, and such “cyber-bullies/liars.” It’s not a black & white situation. I don’t know what to call it really.
Who did Mykan insult and just how? I would like very much to know EXACTLY what happened between you and Mykan, WORD FOR WORD (As in show me proof) and I’d still like to talk to him myself. (I just don’t know where yet)
I don’t bare any ill will to him, but he has said rude things to people before if you look him up online. A friend of mine had a discussion with him about something on Youtube before, (and before you get the wrong idea, my friend was calm, polite, didn’t insult/bully him, or anything, he’s not like that) and a few months later Dakari for no reason posts a rude troll remark on his DA page unprovoked months after their discussion ended… (I can’t find it on his front page, as it was a year, or so ago, but you can try to find it yourself by clicking on the comment pages at the bottom of his DA page if you don’t believe me. DA loads slow for me, so I wouldn’t be able to find it. Might take you awhile, sense I don’t know how many comment pages back it would be. DA really needs a better way to go through those comments.)  
I honestly think something is wrong with him mentally, so I do feel a li’l bad for him, but that doesn’t excuse insulting my friend, and such…
Also, seeing how I spoke to him mostly in private message on DA, I don’t know how I could provide any proof you’re looking for, (and overall, luckily he didn’t insult me) but overall just speak to him yourself on DA, if you want to see what he’s like.
He’s not a monster, but he’s not an innocent angel either is all I’m saying.
But if you only talked to him once, I don’t think you have quite all the facts. I suggest you speak with him again, and this time, try to get all the facts.
After talking to him, I don’t really wish to ever again. (And by “once,” I mean I went through several back-and-fourth private messages in my conversation with him) I tried being nice to him, yet I can’t get any “facts” from him, or get him to open up, because he’s extremely anti-social and won’t open up to anybody, and has odd logic on some things.
You can try talking to him, and trying to become his friend (he doesn’t want friends) all you want, but you’ll get no closer to “understanding” him then I, nor anyone have. You can find his DA, or Youtube page via Google, and such if you wish to talk to him.
but maybe you should just stop talking about him period. Don’t even get involved in conversations about him. Just go Cold Turkey. (It’s just a suggestion)
I’d honestly be glad to do that, yet ironically you’re the one trying to get me to talk about him more on here. I’d honestly rather just drop the subject of Dakari right now, then further talk about him. Plus, it feels like gossip.
Background Pony #69C0
@Beau Skunky
thick-headed, and pre-judgemental I don’t think you had to do that
Who did Mykan insult and just how? I would like very much to know EXACTLY what happened between you and Mykan, WORD FOR WORD (As in show me proof) and I’d still like to talk to him myself. (I just don’t know where yet)
But if you only talked to him once, I don’t think you have quite all the facts. I suggest you speak with him again, and this time, try to get all the facts.
But if you’re really not trying to bully him, that’s good, but maybe you should just stop talking about him period. Don’t even get involved in conversations about him. Just go Cold Turkey. (It’s just a suggestion)
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Stuffed animal
@Background Pony #6113  
Dude, I’m not constantly antagonizing him, blackmailing him, bullying him, nor do I want to hurt him, and all those other ridiculous accusations you’re making of me. (And if you keep accusing me of that bull, and won’t listen to what I’m saying, I’m just going to stop talking to you. You’re just as thick-headed, and pre-judgemental as he is of other people you don’t know. You should take some of your own advice about judging others, and such.)
In fact, I never even talk to him, except one time, and I wasn’t trying to shove anything down his throat. (In fact, I was quite civil to him, and he did most of the talking.) In fact, HE contacted me first out of the blue, just ‘cause I said “he needs a hug” once on DA. (And I meant that I felt kinda sorry for him, so I wasn’t trying to be mean, or facetious.)  
Hell, I never even really talk about the guy, except in this thread here (long ago) and I suppose maybe I was a li’l harsh, but as I said I was kinda upset about him insulting a friend of mine, (which he did unprovoked, mind you) as well as him bugging me, as well as other people, and such.
The way he lives his life is no concern to me, I don’t care honestly, I just don’t think he’s a pleasent person, and I’m trying to tell others to leave him alone, and ignore him. So it’s kinda ironic of you to tell me that I’m the one who should do that. I never would’ve even started talking about the guy, if you didn’t start randomly accusing me of being the root of all evil, and being a “cyber bully.” (Which is rather insulting, as I’ve defended some people who catch crap online, even ones I don’t like such as DisneyMaster.)
But hey, if you want to talk to him, and “get to know him,” good luck. He won’t let anyone do that, no matter how nice you are to him. As you said best to forget about him.
Background Pony #69C0
@Beau Skunky
Given what I’ve seen here, and around the net, I think you more try to shove it down his throat, almost like blackmail.
Perhaps it doesn’t excuse his actions, but do you honestly think the way you and everyone else keep antagonizing him, and treating him like he deserves a fierce punishment over such silly things is excusable? I think not. You’re only making things worse, not better. I think he’s only being rude because you were rude first, that or he doesn’t like people pushing him around and telling him what to do, or calling him mean things. Don’t you hate it when people boss you around? So why boss him?
The way I see it, both of you are in the wrong, but given the choice and from what I’ve seen already, I’d say it’s “You” who is more in the wrong than he is.
But seriously, I’m curious, why would you go to such lengths to want to hurt him? What’s he ever done that made you decide “He’s public enemy number one, and he deserves to be hurt”?
Why is the way he lives such a big concern to you anyway? He’s someone you don’t really know in real life. You have never seen him, you don’t know what his actual life is like, you don’t even know the real circumstances that surround him.
I think it would probably be best if you learned to ignore him and his stuff, then maybe there wouldn’t be as much tension.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Stuffed animal
@Background Pony #6113  
How do you even see how I act to him? I’m not mean to him, and it’s ignorant of you to accuse me, (or my friend) of that. In fact, I tried to be quite nice to him in my conversations with him, but he never listens to my advice, or anything, and takes things people say to personally, regardless how they act torwards him. I’m just saying he’s not a very pleasent person, he’s very negative about everything, has odd backwards logic where things that are “good,” are bad to him, and such.
Like I said I feel a li’l sorry for him too, like you apparently do, but that doesn’t excuse the way he acts, and the people he’s rude to.
Background Pony #69C0
@Beau Skunky
I saw those whole twitter things, and I read the actual post. It said “You pissed me off” I don’t get where that implies he wants to piss off a woman, also, what proof do you have that woman actually had a miscarry. For all anyone knows she could be another cyber-bully making things up.
If he doesn’t want to make friends or improve, that’s his choice, not yours, and you shouldn’t be mean to him just because of it. Perhaps that is why he chooses to remain as he is.
Perhaps you and your friend made him angry, because to be frankly honest, I really don’t consider the way you act towards him nice or even necessary, but perhaps I should talk to him. Where can I?
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Stuffed animal
@Background Pony #6113  
True, though that doesn’t change the fact, he’s not the nicest person around. (In fact, he was doing this >>845367 to spite some woman who had a miscarriage, just ‘cause she didn’t care for his fanfics. That’s rather petty.)
I’ve talked to him before, and he also insulted a friend of mine… While in some ways I feel sorry for him, sense he refuses to make friends, or improve his life to make himself happier, you’re probably better off never talking to him.
Background Pony #69C0
Do you even listen to how insane you sound? People don’t go to Hell just because they make fictional stories that mean nothing. I think you’re just scared of Dakari King Mykan because you don’t really know him, nor do you even care about anything but yourself. I’m not fond of his work either, but I don’t see it as anything to get overblown about, and neither should you. It’s his fiction, he can write it however he wants. So do yourself and everyone else a favor and GET OVER IT!!!