@Background Pony #1739
That’s why we have a union. We suck at our job. I’ll just add you to the queue as a preferred victim and I should get to the murdering in 6 to 8 weeks.
It’s my personal headcanon she has her alicorn body, her old unicorn body, and an as-of-yet unseen double-alicorn body and she can switch between them at will.
As an added bonus, the headless bodies will dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons by Andrew Gold if you put it on.
Nightmare before Christmas.
Context, ma’am?
Ahaha. Ha.
Ah, cool man :)
That’s why we have a union. We suck at our job. I’ll just add you to the queue as a preferred victim and I should get to the murdering in 6 to 8 weeks.
Says it three times
…nothing happens…
What the hell!? I didn’t get killed! Man, this sucks!
If you say Bloody Danny three times in front of a mirror I appear.
But then I kill you.
(It’s a union thing)
So, What were you (Kraus) talking about? I just don’t get it.
I am so ignorant.
i’d love to see more images based around that concept.
You should have tried saying “Bloody Danny” three times in front of a mirror.
“Ha ha! …Um, could you roll me back towards my body?”
original or remix?
You’re definitely not ‘heading’ in the right direction…
…where’s the exit?
“Noggin’s getin’ past her”
“Her head’s decapitated.”
“Orange you head I didn’t say glad?”
Sorry. I’ll head on out.
It’s my personal headcanon she has her alicorn body, her old unicorn body, and an as-of-yet unseen double-alicorn body and she can switch between them at will.
As an added bonus, the headless bodies will dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons by Andrew Gold if you put it on.