I just find some folks obsessions with love disturbing.
Any sentient being with the power of reason will inevitably commit both good and evil deeds. However at their core, all decisions are based on two conflicting forces, love and hatred. The latter is the malefic flame, consuming all in its path. If you commit your decisions due to a hatred of something, youll soon find yourself hating everything around it.
King Sombra snarled like an enraged beast, watching the alicorn from afar. The ancient tyrant couldn’t even begin to list all of the factors leading to his growing malice. The fact the pink ascendant looked so much like her predecessor, the fact she was daring to touch HIS slaves, or the fact said slaves were lollygagging with a sickening amount of glee and not doing anything he deemed productive. A work force who did not work to his ideal was useless. Hatred spread from alicorn to pony as Cadance picked up a happily squealing colt out of a wheelchair, laughing as she gave him a nuzzle. King Sombra felt disgusted. Once he reclaimed his prize, the useless would have no place in his empire.
But, if you think of love and hatred as the causes of actions; they cant be equal. Call me sentimental but love always can overpower hatred.
Xenilla was not phased in the slightest. Why should he be? He agreed after all.
Very true, in fact Id say love itself is easily one of the most powerful forces in the world. A fighter whom hates everything in front of them is no match for an equally equipped foe who loves everything behind them.
Blade Dancer raised an eyebrow, clearly confused as to what in Equestria the kaiju was getting at. His words seemed to agree with her, but his tone was argumentative and snide as ever. He clearly showed distain for the subject matter, but why then was he speaking so highly of it? His next sentence was the beginning to the answer.
That is exactly why love is so incredibly dangerous. It forces away all else to make room for itself and only lives to control actions in order to multiply itself.
In the shadows of the alleyway, his curved horn flicked with a green and purple glimmer. An invisible cloud of malefic energy flowed out of King Sombra and into the crystalline ground. It slithered through the smooth surfaces, trickling down into the crowd below like a waterfall.
Just as it was about to reach the crowd however, the hateful tide was halted in its tracks. Something was blocking it. His fear inducing wave was being repulsed by something, and King Sombra quickly figured out what. It was Cadance and the entire crowd. The aura of benign magic surrounding them like a shield was keeping his influence at bay, even if they weren’t aware of their own defense. The only thing that could defeat a negative emotion was a positive one, and this group had no shortage of it.
King Sombra glared at the alicorn as he called off his attempted attack. In his state and in the open like this, he couldn’t risk a full on attack as much as he wished it. His assassination plot would have to proceed. He’d just wait until the alicorn was alone without any bystanders to aid her.
King Sombra slipped back into the shadows, leaving only a patch of black crystal in his wake. He’d fall back to the catacombs, his realm, and formulate his plan. A shame that the mare would have to go, she’d probably give him a decent heir as a concubine.
Good point.
And this has stopped shippers before?
Why wouldn’t it be?
The Bridge extends across the Horizon.
Alive and well. Why?
Wait, no, that’s the wrong Zilla.
She likes Junior.
This is the Spacezilla.
They look very similar.
shuuuuush! We don’t want to shippers going nuts again
Blade Dancer’s right there…