The Frowning Pony
13 blinks per minute
We’d like to have a system for the featured image where one recent (<1 week) image is featured for 3 days, then an older image (not everyone’s been in the fandom since S1 or scanned through the whole site) for another 3 days, and repeat. Preferably these are images that either somehow slipped by unnoticed or are absurdly remarkable.
So here’s where you can call attention to images
They must be SFW (Safe, Suggestive or Semi-grimdark) and Preferably either somehow slipped by unnoticed or are absurdly remarkable. Keep in mind that we already have the 4 “3 day top scoring” images “featured” as well, so it doesn’t make much sense to nominate something that’s comfortably sat there already (unless it’s bloody amazing). Keep in mind that an image might have a low score here (especially older pics) but have over 4000 faves on deviantArt.
And needless to say bickering in this thread about what gets featured and what doesn’t or whatever else.
Note: please link to pictures using
So here’s where you can call attention to images
They must be SFW (Safe, Suggestive or Semi-grimdark) and Preferably either somehow slipped by unnoticed or are absurdly remarkable. Keep in mind that we already have the 4 “3 day top scoring” images “featured” as well, so it doesn’t make much sense to nominate something that’s comfortably sat there already (unless it’s bloody amazing). Keep in mind that an image might have a low score here (especially older pics) but have over 4000 faves on deviantArt.
And needless to say bickering in this thread about what gets featured and what doesn’t or whatever else.
Note: please link to pictures using
. Yes the post preview doesn’t work with that but it will work when you actually click Post.