I actually must go with my age and say Picard. See, for as awesome as Kirk is, and as effective as he was, in any modern military setting he’d have been drummed out about a hundred different times for either blatant disregard for Starfleet directive or cowboy military strategies. That’s why Wrath of Khan is so awesome; it deconstructs that attitude.
Picard has the best of both worlds lol in that, while he too is willing to bend the rules for what is truly right (and learns from each experience in the process) he tempers it with logic and sound reasoning. Picard has force and combat skill like Kirk, yes, but he doesn’t need to use it; he thinks and plans his way out of situations where force would not work. Unlike Kirk, he also knows how to use the whole of his command staff, and picks people for the job that could perform their tasks well (well, except Worf, but that was never really Worf’s fault). Kirk is more awesome, but Picard is much more effective…while still being awesome.
But yes, I must agree that Sheridan is the way to go here, if only cuz we never saw Ivanova as captain. XD