The international drama storm watch has just issued a projected shitstorm for summer with the airing of shezow. We issue this warning in that make sure your forums are braced for cries of “think of the children” posts from soccer moms and to make sure you remain above the ensuing drama and remain at most interaction with the upset individuals at the level of mocking them for being butthurt. Make sure to not actually take part of the slapfights or be washed away in the riptide of millions of outraged internet users. If you must interact with drama we urge you to remain at most posting jokes, burns and funny caption images instead of serious posting for your own safety.
We urge you to also not wakeboard on top of the drama since the drama isn’t a wave, so much as a turbulent unintelligent force that gets angry at anything.
As for a serious post. I think the show is going to be bad quality, but the amount of people watching it just to give themselves justification to feel angry is going to send the views through the roof. Fifty dollars on the major news media having a news blitz about this.