The Brain Worm Party is shaping up to be interesting.
Kennedy’s early support has collapsed, his aggregate unfavorable rating on 538 has risen to 48% unfavorable with a 33% favorable. This decline has an interesting caveat, and this is where shit gets spicy. The drops are occurring in left and moderate voters. Kennedy’s highest favorable ratings are among Republicans/right leaning folks and…Hispanics for some reason.
Recent swing states polling has Biden’s lead in several swing states grow when Kennedy is included. The biggest being Wisconsin where Biden gained an average of 7 fucking points against Trump when RFK was inculded.
The reasons are manifold, chief amoung them is that Kennedy’s campaign appeals to mostly far-right crowds.
Kennedy has tanked a lot of his support among the youth for his anti-vax and heavily (more than Biden) pro-Israel stances. He’s alienated centrist and fiscal conservatives with his isolationist rhetoric. He’s alienated the left for, obvious reasons…
But, stop me if this sounds familiar. What kind of crowd would a xenophobic, isolationist, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who questions the legitimacy of our elections, speaks foundly of dictators, and is prone to jingoistic populist rants appeal to?