America went into Korea to stop communism. And you did. Under America’s watch South Korea flourished. But if you turn your back for one moment it’s irate neighbour will strike. America is its guardian. You leave and it’s nuclear war in a week.
America went into Bosnia to stop the genocide. You are still there today. Leave and they will dig up their weapons caches and start purging each other again.
America is a stabilizing presence.
America has been that in Afghanistan since you went in. Progress was being made on many fronts. Keeping Afghanistan stable was in your nation’s interest. It was the lynchpin that kept islamic terrorists in check in the region. Your bases there assured rapid responses could be launched to arising threats.
Now? It will once again become a safe haven for the people that struck you in 2001 and killed 2,996 people. And they will regroup and strike again.
Leaving Afghanistan now is shortsighted and a mistake. A massive blow to US/NATO credibility. And it leaves millions suffering. Sorry but here America has failed. Going into Afghanistan and Iraq were mistakes in the first place, leaving now after such heavy involvement just makes everything worse. I would not be surprised if you are back there in 10 years or so.
Maybe. They have proven to be remarkably resilient. And you don’t want to antagonize China. That’s why that hell still exists, not oil.