I agree here.
I once played and got ready to play RE1 in it’s original version, since it was a classic I thought I would like to check it out…
The tank controllers then killed any desire to keep playing. Some games might have somewhat dated controls one way or another, the first SMB had the jumps quite heavy and not easy to turn around once in the air, old Megaman games used passwords rather than inner batteries even in the SNES days. Some mechanics might feel archaic but once you bypass them they’re not necessary deterrents to enjoy a game.
RE1 sadly is not that case, the tank controllers feel extremely clunky. In a turn based rpg in exchange for pretty basic selections the decicion making and capacity to strategize makes it up for it, in platformers to compensate the dynamic controls you also need pretty fast paced enemies and environments by comparison. RE1 tries to compensate with slow enemies but instead I got a feeling of being too limited to play properly. Even current horror games would rather use heavy use of darkness and faster enemies for example to convey the theme much better. I gotta say while more of a suspense metroidvania than full horror, Hollow Knight can convey the horror moments in a fantastic manner despite being a fast paced game, so the original RE trilogy sadly does come out as dated.