@Buttlord Wayne
maybe it’s because South Park is like 25 years old and fandoms that started back then were/are more chill?
though bronies are a little… unique… from what I’ve seen, I don’t remember the Teen Titans or The Last Airbender fandoms being so over the top (though the world of ATLA certainly was interesting enough to be thoroughly dissected, questioned and explored for years and years by the fans on AvatarSpirit.net)
one of these days I’ll have to make up for those behemoths of a show I didn’t watch even though I was around when they began, like South Park, Simpsons, Spongebob…
How dare Twilight have the privilege to have a castle and everything handed to her!
i mean
Twilight: Please, what have you done that I didn’t do?
Trixie: Worked for a living?