Okay, I want to know if this is a natural feeling segway into the clop portion of part 1 of my fic.
Blueblood was flipped and slammed on the ground by an invisible force before Nightmare leapt upon him, fangs bared in a menacing manner.
“You arrogant, little, bastard. I am more powerful than Celestia will ever be!” she said as she pressed a strong hoof into his chest. “I should slaughter you right now for such disrespect.”
Her words began to deflate Blueblood’s bravado. The reality of his position started to dawn on him. He just assaulted some monster that came straight out of a fairy tale with the broken sword, called her a bitch, and threatened her with his Aunt’s wrath.
You idiot, he thought. This nutty horse is going to kill you.
“However, I might see fit to spare you.” Her expression softened as she looked him over thoroughly, and began to lighten the force behind the hoof on his chest.
Fear crept into Blueblood’s voice as he asked, “W-What do you mean?”
At first she didn’t answer. She simply moved her armored hoof against his broad chest. Slowly, almost sultry. A sort of blush could be barely seen on her black face. Her eyelids were lowered seductively as she licked her lips. Those signs all made the prince very uncomfortable.
“Oh, you can’t hide your true duty from me, mortal. This bulky exterior and fervor in Celestia’s name would mark you a guard. But this,” Nightmare mused as she wove her cool hair under his chin. “is far too well-groomed, too handsome to risk in any battle. Yes, for all her obliviousness, Celestia still has fine tastes in studs.”
“Studs!? I’m not her stu-oof!” Nightmare silenced him by pressing her hoof hard again.
“Alright, alright, her husband, or whatever she deigns to call you. The point is, I will be taking all that she has, all that she has denied me. Equestria, its ponies, their love and respect. I see no reason I should not partake of her toys as well.”
Blueblood gulped as she leaned over him, their fur meeting together. She felt cold and dusty. Their faces met.
“So what will it be, Stud? Will you break your allegiance with the Sun, and give your services to the night instead?”
Blueblood considered his options: say no, and wind up far worse than Shining Armor a few rooms away, or say yes, and sexually placate some insane pony with a vendetta against Celestia who was deluded into thinking they were married until his aunt returned.
“Um, yes?” he offered her hopefully. She leapt off of him, looking delighted. Before he could get up, however, she turned and sat on him. His muzzle was shoved into her dark vagina, already slightly wet.
“Good! Now earn your keep, Stud!” she shouted, grinding her marehood into his face.