Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary - Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rainbow Rocks with an art event! Here

Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers)


Nostalgia Purist
The Mane Six and Spike, some timberwolves, Zecora and some vines was in a forest outside Canterlot that noon and the six ponies, the amphibian,the dogs made out of twigs, the stribed horse and some vines was grabbing a creaking pink, shiny, clear, large round balloon they got at the Summer Sun Celebration for over four hours non stop in the quiet forest. The six ponies, the amphibian,the dogs made out of twigs, the stribed horse was then being held by some vines with thorns for over four hours as the other vines was petting one of the wolvbes made out of twigs with the creaking pink, shiny, clear, large round balloon for over four hours in the quiet forest.

Nostalgia Purist
It was under the annual Cutie Mark Day Camp one early september morning in a forest outside Ponyville as Rumble and five filles they all got some printed, golden, very large, shiny very thick Cutie Mark Day Camp balloons. Rumble and a group of fillies they was all catching a printed, golden, very large, creaking, shiny very thick Cutie Mark Day Camp balloon with their hooves from the morning until the noon. As aroused Rumble was petting and hugging a creaking Cutie Mark Day Camp balloon, were the little pony feeling weird by seeing how Kettle Corn had horny Skeedaddle’s horn in her mouth she sucked for over 2 hours.

Nostalgia Purist
It was Nightmare Night as the autumn days had arrived in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie made big shiny balloons animals out of very long creaking balloons for Scootaloo. Scootaloo felt hard and strange under her legs too by seeing the pink pony make balloons animals too.As Scootaloo kissed, sucked and hugged the creaking balloon were she seeing Pinkie Pie sit and rub a hoof under her legs.
“I wonder what you are doing.” Scootaloo told Pinkie Pie.
“This is your first sexual education today.” the pink pony told Scootaloo.
While Scootaloo kissed, sucked and hugged the dick like balloon, was the horny pink pony masturbating in front of Scootaloo for over five hours until the early morning. Finally had Pinkie Pie reached her climax after masturbating for nearly three hours after having Scootaloo rub the static and loudly squeaking balloon against her hair.

Nostalgia Purist
Sweetie Belle, Snips and Snails was together at Hearts and Hooves Day one morning in Ponyville that was decorated all over with clear, large shiny balloons in many shapes on strings and on as Sugar Belle and Big Mac was at the Heart Hooves Day too. The three little ponies got a clear, shiny, flat heart balloon at Hearts and Hooves Day and Snails breathed air in the hissing, growing, creaking, clear, shiny heart balloon that got large between the hooves of Snails who was together with the two other ponies in a little remote park outside Ponyville by the Everfree Forest. The ponies where feeling their horns getting hard and hot by pricking the large, clear, shiny heart balloon with their horns over to each other from the morning until the noon non stop. Relaxed Sweetie Belle got her very first horncare from the afternoon until the next noon non stop by Snips and Snails on shift as Sweetie Belle held a creaking large, creaking, clear, shiny heart balloon under a hoof while the horny unicorn felt how the two stallions sucked her little bulge on her head for over 2 hours non stop.
Spike, Sugar Belle and Big Mac was together in the Sweet Apple Acres barn at Hearts and Hooves Day one morning in Ponyville and the barn was decorated all over with clear, round large shiny balloons in columns. The pony, the horse and the dino was feeling hard and hot under their legs by grabbing a squeaking, large, clear, shiny round balloon column from the morning until the noon non stop. Relaxed Sugar Belle got a hornjob from the afternoon until the next noon non stop by Spike and Big Mac on shift as Sugar Belle held a creaking large, clear, shiny yellow heart balloon under a hoof while the horny unicorn felt how the stallion and the dino they both sucked her little bulge on her head for over 2 hours non stop.

Nostalgia Purist

It was under the ceremony for Starlight one morning in Twiligh’ts new castle where a crowd of Changelings and ponies were together, as round, clear, shiny, blue, large and pink balloons on strings hanged all around. Party Favor and Mayor Mare grabbing a large, pink, round, clear, shiny and creaking balloon with their hooves for over two hours. After that had Mayor Mare been sucking the horn on horny Party Favor for over five hours, as relaxed Party Favor held a creaking static balloon with a hoof he brushed agaisnt Mayor Mare. Party Favor reached his climax after that long hornjob at noon. In the meanwhile at noon was Vinyl Scratch holding a big blue creaking balloon under a hoof while Pinkie Pie gave the aroused unicorn a hornjob in nearly four hours. After Vinyl reached her climax after the hornsucking Pinkie gave her, were the two horny ponies pushing to a balloon with their snouts as they masturabted in nearly four hours that afternoon. Under the ceremony party was Thorax holding a big, pink, shiny, clear, squeakig and round balloon under a hoof as he sucked Princess Celestia’s very wide hot horn in over four hours that afternoon. After the horse reached her climax by the long hornjob Thorax gave her was the horse and Thorax grabbing the large pink squeaking balloon with their hooves in nearly an hour. Then had Princess Celestia been sucking Thorax’s warm horn in over five hours that evening.

Gadget Hackwrench was holding a big, red, shiny, squeakig and long red balloon that was strapped to the Ranger Plane as she sucked Prince Blueblood’s very wide hot horn in over four hours in an quiet, abandoned and half dark mansion room where none had been for decades. After the horse reached his climax by the long hornjob the rodent gave him was the horse and the mouse grabbing the large squeaking balloon in nearly an hour in the quiet, abandoned and half dark mansion room. Then had the mouse been sucking and rubbing thew warm horn on the horse for five hours.

Nostalgia Purist

Gadget Hackwrench was holding a big, red, shiny, squeakig and long red balloon that was strapped to the Ranger Plane as she rubbed Cozy Glow between the legs in over four hours in an quiet, abandoned and half dark mansion room where none had been for decades. After the filly reached her climax was the filly and the mouse grabbing the large squeaking balloon in nearly an hour in the quiet, abandoned and half dark mansion room. Then had the mouse been rubbing squealing balloon between the legs of the filly for five hours.

Nostalgia Purist
Gabby, Terramar and naked Peter Griffin was together at the crowded CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorared with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti. Gabby, Terramar and naked Peter Griffin was together at the CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorated with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti as naked Peter Griffin and the two griffins catched a creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours. Naked Peter Griffin was then giving the two big birds a long beak balloon massage with the creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours.


Nostalgia Purist
Silverstream and naked Peter Griffin was together at the crowded CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorared with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti. Silverstream and a naked Peter Griffin was together at the CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorated with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti as naked Peter Griffin and big bird catched a creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours. Naked Peter Griffin was then giving the big bird a five hour non stop long beak balloon massage with the creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon

Nostalgia Purist
The Hearth’s Warning Eve in July party began in an decorated School of Friendship with various Hearth’s Warming Eve decorations from all the Student Six’s homelands and round, shiny, orange, clear, balloons on an summer evening. Silverstream was rubbing herself between her legs as she felt how Gallus with his claws held a round, shiny, orange, clear, squeaking balloon he brushed against the hot and hard beak on the big bird from the evening until over midnight while the dragon sucked the hot and hard horn on the horny bug from the evening until over midnight. The bug, the reptile, the pony, the cow and the two birds were then feeling hard and hot under their legs by grabbing the squeaking, round, shiny, orange, clear, balloon until the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
A group of ponies was together at the welcome party in Sugarcube Corner decorared with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti. The griffin and Spike they both catched a creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours. The big birds was then giving the dino a long back scale balloon massage with the creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours.

Nostalgia Purist
The cute cenera party for Gabby began outside the town hall with decorations and shiny and clear balloons an evening. Sweetie Belle was rubbing herself between her legs as she felt how Gabby with her claws held a round, shiny squeaking balloon she brushed against the hot and hard horn on the pony from the evening until over midnight and scared Sweetie Belle had a balloon phobia but she also felt horny by having the soft rubber rub against her horn too. The bird and the three fillies were then feeling hard and hot under their legs by grabbing the squeaking, round, shiny, orange, clear, balloon until the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
Gabby, Terramar,Silverstream, Brian Griffin, Stewie Griffin with herpes on his mouth, Brian Griffin and naked Peter Griffin was together at the crowded CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorared with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti. Gabby, Terramar, Silverstream, Brian Griffin, Stewie Griffin with herpes on his mouth, Brian Griffin and naked Peter Griffin was together at the CMC Appreciaiton Day by the city hall decorated with balloons, banners, streamers and confetti as Brian Griffin, the baby with herpes on his mouth, the dog, the naked dad and the three griffins catched a creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours. Naked Peter Griffin was then giving the three big birds a long beak balloon massage with the creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloon for two hours and Peter Griffin was looking scared of balloons but he felt horny by feeling the soft balloon skin too rub against the beaks on the three birds. The baby with herpes on his mouth got his first sexual education as Seweetie Belle let him suck her horn for two hours non stop as the dog was petting Sweetie Belle with a long creakig balloon. The crowd was then cheering as Brian Griffin, Silverstream, the baby with herpes on his mouth, the dog, the naked dad and the two griffins was having a blow to pop with five growing, hissing creaking, very wide, grey, shiny and clear balloons that got very wide and very thick until the balloons died with sharp noises.

Nostalgia Purist

Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their Wedding in a Ponyville park decorated with streamers and round, large, shiny and clear balloons as Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare was there that evening. Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their Wedding in a Ponyville park decorated with streamers and round, large, shiny and clear balloons as Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare was there that evening as Mayor Mare and the rodent watched as the two ponies held a creaking, round, large, shiny and clear balloon between their mouths for 30 minutes. Bright Mac, Pear Butter, Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare was then catching the creaking, round, large, shiny and clear balloon for over 2 hours non stop. The rodent was then petting the three ponies with the creaking balloon he rubbed between the legs of the ponies for hours until the morning.

The annual Rainbow Lights party had begun one dark autumn afternoon in the Unicornia city. There was Light Chains and shiny, clear, large pink balloons all around the city. Three horny unicorns and Lily catched a creaking, shiny, clear, large pink balloon with their hooves non stop from the afternoon until the evening as the three ponies wondered why Lily´s horn lighten up by grabbing the balloon. One of the ponies was that evening brushing a creaking, shiny, clear, large pink balloon against Lilys hot, horn and lit up horn non stop from the evening until the end of the night as they then knew that the balloon lit up Lilys horn and three ponies wondered why Lily rubbed a hoof under her legs for several hours by having the balloon massage her horn. One of the ponies was that next evening after the party brushing a creaking, shiny, clear, large pink balloon against Lilys static hair as the pony sucked Lilys hot, hard and lit up horn non stop from the evening until the end of the night.

Nostalgia Purist
The Student 6 they had their huge graduation week ending celebration with their teachers in their specials gowns all made by Rarity in the School of Friendship in October, and it was two weeks after the defeat of Cozy Glow, Tirek and Queen Chrysalis. Pinkie Pie held the graduation party at the end of the week for the Student 6 in her decorated classroom as there was rows of eight, red, pink, shiny, very large, round balloons tied together, confetti and streamers. The whole class sang olden Yak Yakistan Oktoberfest songs along with three of Yona’s family members dressed in Oktoberfest outfits from Yakistan that morning, as Pinkie Pie played four instruments at once under the rotating disco ball. These three yaks won at a talent show in Ponyville with an old yak folk song last year. The two birds, the dragon, the cows, the insect and the two ponies was then grabbing a bunch of eight, red, pink, shiny, very large, round, creaking balloons tied together from the noon until the afternoon. Pinkie Pie was then rubbing a bunch of eight, red, pink, shiny, very large, round, creaking balloons tied together against the hot hard horn on the insect as the two birds, the reptite, the cows, the insect and Sandbar that all held a bunch of creaking balloon rubbed themselves under their legs from the afternoon until the evening non stop and while scared Ocellus had a balloon phobia did she feel hot and hard under her legs by her very long balloon horn massage too.

Nostalgia Purist
Claude, Spike and Rarity had been at the filly fair in Ponyville. Claude, Spike and Rarity had been at the filly fair in Ponyville as the dino and the two ponies got three grey, shiny, wide and clear balloons at the fair. First was Spike petting Rarity on her horn with a grey, shiny, wide, creaking and clear balloon for four hours non stop as Spike then was petting Claude on his horn with a grey, shiny, wide, creaking and clear balloon for four hours non stop in a Ponyville park. The two ponies and the dino was then grabbing the grey, shiny, wide, creaking and clear balloon for an hour non stop in the park.

Spike and Applejack had been at the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. Spike and Applejack had been at the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot as the dino and the pony got a red, shiny, round and clear balloon at the fair as they met some timberwolves in a forest they went home through to Ponyville. Spike was petting a timberwolf with the shiny, round, red and clear balloon in the forest for four hours non stop as the dog made of sticks felt how the soft balloon rubbed against his twigs for hours. The pony, the dogs and the dino was then grabbing the shiny, round ,red and clear balloon for an hour non stop

Nostalgia Purist
Prince Blueblood and a squirrel was at the Festival of Friendship with Pinkie Pie in Canterlot as Pinkie Pie blew up wide balloons and made balloon animals while Prince Blueblood with a balloon phobia was scared of balloons. Prince Blueblood and the squirrel got a balloon octopus and while Prince Blueblood was scared of balloons did he feel relaxed as the squirrel sucked his horn for six hours non stop as Pinkie Pie was rubbing his behind with the creaking balloon octopus for six hours non stop

Nostalgia Purist

Big Mac, Spike and Discord was under Hearts and Hooves Day together in a barn decorated with balloons, banners, cakes and more by the CMC. Discord felt how the reptile was petting his horn with a creaking heart balloon as the horse sucked his other horn for six hours straight even if the snake with hands and balloon phobia was scared of balloons. Then was the snake, the reptile and the horse grabbing a creaking pink heart balloon for four hours.

Nostalgia Purist

Prince Blueblood was in the Rescue Rangers HQ one day as they prepared for Monty´s Birthday. Dale blew up large round balloons as Chip, Gadget and the horse sat up banners. Prince Blueblood was scared of balloons but he also felt relaxed by feeling how the mouse gave his horn a balloon massage for six hours straigh as the two chipmunks watched and rubbed themselves under their legs.

Nostalgia Purist
Spike was together with Zephyr Breeze at his Birthday in the Canterlot gardens. The dino was blowing up a very large and pink hot air balloon that was hissing and creaking as the horse was scared of the balloon. The horse did not like balloons but Spike made Zephyr Breeze relaxed as he felt how the creaking and very large and pink hot air balloon was rubbing against his hair for six hours non stop while the horse rubbed himself under the legs. Spike and Zephyr Breeze was then grabboing the creaking and very large and pink hot air balloon for 3 hours non stop.

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