Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom was all together at Colorturas concert one september evening in Ponyville that was decorated all over with clear, shiny, large round, pink, shiny balloons and on by the Everfree Fores. The three little ponies got a clear, shiny, large round, pink, shiny balloon at the concert. The three ponies and Colortura was feeling getting hard and hot under their legs by grabbing the clear, shiny, large, squeaking, round, pink, shiny balloon with their hoooves over to each other from the evening until the night non stop. Scared but also relaxed Sweetie Belle got her very first horncare from the night until long over midnight non stop by Colortura as Sweetie Belle held the creaking balloon under a hoof while the horny unicorn felt how the pony sucked her little bulge on her head.
Twilight and Spike was together at the opening party of the Ponyville cinema one september evening in and the cinema was decorated all over with clear, shiny, large round, pink, shiny balloons. The dino and the pony got a clear, shiny, large round, pink, shiny balloon at the party. The pony and Spike was feeling hard and hot under their legs by grabbing the clear, shiny, large, squeaking, round, pink, shiny balloon over to each other in long time non stop as they watched a movie with Thorax with Ember kissing, petting, hugging and rubbing a clear clear, shiny, large, squeaking, round, pink, shiny balloon against her scales on her head and back and Thorax´s hot hard horn too as the bug humped his body against the dino under the insects Birthday party camcorder video in over an hour the movie lasted.