Average Pony Joe Enjoyer
The Summer Sin event is an event held in Fimfiction every year where people exchange clopfics with each other like in the ‘Secret Santa’ style. Joining is simple: you can choose up to two ponies (if you want a ship) and one kink. Then, when the event starts, you’ll receive a message including someone’s else clopfic idea that you have to write, including their kink, submissions opening at July 5th, but no longer than July 7th! So you’ll have a whole month to write and submit in the event’s group.
Note that each user can include a hard limits list, listing what they are not willing to write, that’s helps match each user easily.
For more detailed information, check out the event’s rules. If you’re interested in joining, I highly recommend you read the whole rules. That’ll help avoid any annoyance or misunderstand while taking part of the event.
Currently are 35 participants, and you’re free to either go on exchanging stories or wait until the event’s deadline to read all the new and fresh clopfics in the event’s group (link above).
The registration deadline is May 31st, 11:59 PM EST, and the event officialy start at June 1st, where the names will be shuffled and distributed.
Feel free to use this thread to ask questions if you don’t have a Fimfiction account or aren’t willing to participate yet, I’ll make sure sending them to Shakespearicles, who helds the event, or answer according to what already have been asked before.