
*Durgon Noises*
Hey guys. It’s been a while since I posted in this particular forum, huh?
Anyway, I have a brand new story I wanna share with you and will be working on for the next few days: Some Feelings Never Change-ling
This is a second-person story where you, the reader, assume the role of an unreformed changeling who is separated from the rest of the hive during the events of the S6 finale, and returns to find that it and all the other changelings have undergone some changes…just not good ones. With Queen Chrysalis MIA, you embark on a quest to find her, hopefully before mating season starts, so you can get revenge on everyone who turned your shape-shifting friends and relatives into glittery moosebugs.
The story was heavily inspired by the works of Crowley, so if you like this story, definitely check his out too.
So far, I’ve got the first chapter completed and uploaded on FIMFiction, but I’ll keep you guys updated whenever I add new chapters (fair warning: one of the future chapters is gonna be NSFW). With all that said, enjoy the story!