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The Sound Of Myoozik (OC Development, SFW)

StarTrix Forever! - Derpi Supporter
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Music/Charts Enthusiast
(This is just so I can develop my OC more, might add more later)
After strumming the last few notes, he gave a bow to his audience as some of them applauded. “Thank you”, he said as he began to close his book and put his guitar away. He looked at his tip jar and saw that it was about a quarter of the way full of gold bits and other random assortments like candies and coupons. Not bad he thought to himself as he put the jar away and walked out of the cafe where he’d been playing all afternoon and saw that the sky was a color orange and the unicorn cab pullers were turning on their horns for illumination. He began to walk back to his apartment room as the nightlife was starting to settle in in Manehattan, his home for the past year and a half.
The crowds walking by saw the young dragon who was darkly tanned, sporting thick black glasses, a top hat that looked like it was stolen from Las Pegasus, a green T-shirt that sported the cutie marks of two familiar Ponyville residents, fangs protruding from his mouth, folded wings on his back, two scales in the form of music notes from the side of his head, different music note markings on his knees and a tail that curved surrounded by black feathers. He was carrying a brown guitar shaped case that bore his name: Myoozik The Dragon. Even though he’s been a part of the city for what felt like a long time, the others still thought that it was odd that a dragon from the far away Dragon Lands would be a resident of a place usually filled with different ponies. It wasn’t that they feared him or ostracized him for it because he was a different species, they just thought that he felt out of place from this bustling metropolis, like he seemed lost and was trying to find his way home.
Myoozik felt lost as the skies began to dim and the streetlights turned on automatically. He still dreams of his homeplace and that he was still living there; sometimes he wishes he never left in the first place. He misses the gray cloudy skies filled with smoke, he misses the jagged rocks all around him, he misses the lava pools and rivers everywhere where he used to bathe in and relax, he misses the piles and piles of gemstones hidden in his old cave where he would engorge himself in the shiniest and brightest jewels his stomach would allow, but most of all, he misses his parents. The two dragons who hatched him and encouraged him to pursue his dreams are now far away where they can’t see how far he’s come into getting one step further of reaching his goal. That’s all in the past and is now forever a memory to him, and the thought of all that made him shed a tear. The homesick dragon made it to his apartment and walked up the stairs to his room. He arrived back home, but it didn’t feel like home to him.
He set his case down, sat down on his bed, took off his glasses and began to cry. He stuffed his hands into his face as tears began to stream down them. His hands started to feel warm as his mouth and nose began to exhale smoke with every sob, occasionally lighting up the color purple and violet as wisps of his fire breath escaped from his mouth. This is the life that I chose, he thought to himself, and now I’m witnessing the reality of it. Everytime he would get these crying fits, they would last for about a minute or a bit longer. However this time, he sobbed for about twenty seconds as he regained his composure and he wiped the tears from his face. He sat there looking at his darkened room for a few moments, seeing it as his new prison cell. He got up and grabbed a lantern, slowly letting out a breath of fire as it illuminated, brightening up the room in a purple glow. He moved the lantern around as it brought into view a group of posters hanging around his wall, those of various musicians and bands. He swung the lamp around as he gazed at the laminated photos of different ponies and species performing on stage or posing for the camera, judging him or showing off their success at his expense. He stopped at one particular posted in front of him, the one that inspired his dream.
Ever since he was hatched, he was always interested in music. Before he was even born, his parents used to sing lullabies and even perform rhythms using rocks and gemstones to their one lone egg waiting for the day that it would crack open. The melodies and rhythm of their singing and performing incubated and got into the egg as he was developing, giving his appearance the way he is now. As a baby, he would always be attracted to sounds particularly with rhythms and he would observe and clap as a result. He would watch various dragons sing and dance in harmony about their powerfulness and their proud dragon culture, and he wanted to sing along with them. One group of dragons in particular were the ones that really captured his attention, one that would later become one of the greatest foreign musicians in Equestria. Consisting of four dragons with rock based instruments, these would be known as The Shiny Gemstones and ever since he can remember, he would watch them as they struggled to play their instruments and sing properly. Growing up, he would observe them as they improved and became better and better with their music, but he was too shy to really talk to them and tell them how much he loved their music. After they left The Dragon Lands, they left an imprint on him so much that he wanted to be like them, he wanted to become one of the greatest musicians in all of Equestria.
Now in the solitary confinement of his new room illuminated by his lantern, he pressed his hand on the poster of The Shiny Gemstones, the very same band that inspired him to pursue music, sporting expensive clothing and posing with their now real instruments.  
You’re the greatest dragon musicians of all time, he thought solemnly, you’re all legends to the Dragon Lands and to music itself. Now, I want to be like you guys. He moved away from the poster and stared out the window, observing the city night life as carts wheeled by and ponies were trotting on the streets shining brightly with the streetlamps guiding them. He contemplated for a few minutes, he wants all these ponies to know who he is. He imagined himself on a big concert stage, performing an epic guitar solo as the crowd of millions cheered for him and shouted his name. He imagined himself posing for the camera holding a giant gold record on a plaque, sticking his claws in cement and gazing at his star on the sidewalk, appearing on a talk show and cracking jokes at the host making them laugh alongside the audience, at the premiere of a big blockbuster starring him walking along the red carpet in a suit and tie, on the cover of various magazines and billboards, accepting an award as the host congratulated him, he imagined all of that. Before all of that could come true, he waited for someone to sign him up. His current pursuit is for a record executive to sign him onto a record label so he can begin writing, producing and performing his music for his first album. This way he can have all the equipment that he needs to make all that possible, but thus, he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon as none have approached him with a record deal.
Then suddenly, he had a moment of clarity. Despite the feeling of homesickness and the hopelessness that he’ll never become famous, he realized one thing: he won’t give up. Giving up were two words that he never believed in and he wasn’t going to start now. He chose this dream for a reason and he’s going to continue pursuing it no matter what life will throw at him. He pounded his fist at the windowsill in new-found confidence as he yelled out “I’ll do it for myself, my family, my homeplace and for my friends!”  
He became shocked a bit when he realized that he didn’t make this sudden epiphany sooner instead opting to feel miserable all these months. He hurried to a small table beside his bed and he pulled out a gray box labelled “FRIENDS”. He opened the lid and in it were a series of photographs of himself and the friends that he’s made through his journey: one of him staring at a telescope with a unicorn wearing a scarf, one of him posing by a fountain with a gray batpony and a gray hippogriff, one of him dripping wet with a bucket on his head as a Twilight Sparkle clone with clown makeup laughs at him, one of him flying in the air with a blue pegasus with red glasses, one of him eating ice cream with a changeling with blue slobber, one of him being irritated at losing a game with another unicorn with a yellow hat as she looks smugly at him, and lastly one of him making a silly face with a gray earth pony with a black cap and striped socks on. He smiled as he looked at all of the pictures, knowing that he’s made all these friends throughout his journey to be a legendary musician. He loved and cherished his diverse cast of friends who helped him make Equestria his new home and stood by his side for as long as he’s known them. He closed the box and held it to his chest and hugged it. “I will do it for all of you”, he said softly.
He put the box away as he closed the curtain and he went to sleep. He now doesn’t feel miserable anymore knowing that he’s achieving his dream while having the support from those who love him for who he is and encourage him to keep going. These are the most important people in his life and he wouldn’t trade them for the world. He will always be supportive of his original birthplace and cherish his dragon nature with all his heart, but deep down he’s not going to give up in becoming a musician, he’s going to keep on going. He smiled once again with a tear as he fell asleep, tomorrow being another day for the dragon.
(This is dedicated to my closest friends icey wicey 1517, mjangelvortex, Wheatley R.H., Jarkes, Twi Clown, Mikey, TGM/TheGlimMaster and my best friend, LeoNero. I love you all so much and thank you all for being my friends)
StarTrix Forever! - Derpi Supporter
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Music/Charts Enthusiast
(Part 2 of the story):
“AW FFFF…” someone almost yelled as they held on to the handrail from almost tripping on the stairs. It was Myoozik The Dragon, groggily walking out of his room to the front door of his apartment. He breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled himself up and sat down at the top of the stairs. It’s too early for this, he thought, but I have to do what I can to survive in this maldito city. Sometimes, he wishes that his one way ticket to fame and fortune would just come knocking on his door but he knows that that’s not how life works, and it annoys him to no end. He eventually mustered up the courage to get up and walk outside and on his way to his local coffee shop.
After sitting down, he got served his usual order of a mocha frozen cappuccino drink, which he sprinkled with small gemstones. He sipped his drink as he saw the usual morning crowd of ponies and other species rushing to get to work, which he always thought: Is what I’m doing really worth it? Should I instead get an actual 9 to 5 job that pays me a lot more money? His current source of income is going around the city or if he’s lucky, outside of it to do a performance that someone has booked to him for a price. Depending on the day, he either gets booked full for the day, gets one or two requests or nothing at all. It’s basically his only way of paying his rent and feeding himself, which considering that he’s been doing the same routine for about a year, he’s used to it until he gets signed onto a record label to pursue his music career. While he’s waiting for that opportunity to arrive, he does have that one thing that will keep him company: his friends.
For the past year that he’s been in Manehattan, he has met some really good friends who support him and like to do various activities with him.  
A blue Pegasus with red glasses named Gusty Gale who’s into suited fighters in helmets who also shares the same interest towards the head of the School of the Friendship Starlight Glimmer with Myoozik. He met him at a video game tournament where the dragon was providing the music as a DJ and Gusty noted his shirt with the Starlight logo and both got to talking, where now both will meet each other occasionally, knowing that each have their own backs.  
A gray bat pony named Elizabat Stormfeather and a purple hippogriff named Gerbera, where the former has a unique interest in tickling and the latter is one of the nicest people that Myoozik has ever met. It was in one of his local performances at the park when the two friends saw the dragon play with all his heart’s content and both were enamored with his playing. He got the tips from them and got to know both of them after they began to sympathize with him and his past, especially Gerbera who offered him words of encouragement that he still takes to heart to the present day. Elizabat was a funny little individual who was really cheerful and it was an attribute that Myoozik admired. Both have their own unique circle of friends, and Myoozik was added into it.  
A yellow unicorn with purple hair and a scarf named Sky Spark who is huge fan of Princess Twilight Sparkle, knows a lot about astronomy and the stars and is surprisingly an excellent gamer. She was one of the first people that Myoozik befriended where she helped him adjust to pony society while setting up to perform at an astronomy expo. Ever since then, both have been close with each other even if Sky has a busy life of her own, he won’t forgot her authoritative and silly demeanor that helped him fit in.  
A purple Twilight clone named Twi Clown and a blue changeling named Wheatley, both who speak Spanish and have their own unique traits. The former is a clone of Twilight Sparkle in clown makeup with a brash and impulsive personality who has dreams of ruling the world. Myoozik met her while undergoing one of her schemes and while at first she thought nothing of it, she started growing attached to him and now sees him as a sidekick for her whenever she wants to concoct a ploy, which Myoozik goes along with because it amuses him. The latter is a black and blue changeling where unlike other changelings, he doesn’t feed off of love and gets his own energy from blue jelly inside of him. He was sleeping in a tree in the park when he heard the dragon singing a song that he recognized and their friendship became instantaneous. Unlike his other friends, Wheatley is very attached to him and sees him as a best friend who loves to do random activities with him and go on mild adventures, which gives both of them a sense of excitement.  
A purple unicorn with a yellow hat and green shirt named Bit Grabber who’s an expert in video games and just like with Gusty, shares the dragon’s interest with Starlight. Both met while playing an online game on a server where not only did she beat him at every match they played, but started getting close with their personal lives. Her life isn’t a happy one, and over the months his friend has done everything to help lift up and raise her spirits whenever she’s feeling down, and she’s forever grateful for that. Now, she dominates him at almost every match that they play against each other, which infuriates Myoozik but still has fun playing with her.  
Lastly and the one who he’s closest with the most is a gray earth pony in black clothing and striped socks named Sunray Shadow. Just like with Myoozik, Sunray has dreams of being a musician albeit in a different way and he first met him on that cafe where the dragon was playing as usual and Sunray loved his playing and hit it off almost right away. Both sympathized with each other over their miserable pasts and prop each other up to keep going. Now his best friend, both keep in contact with each other every day for updates on their progress to success, and he won’t trade anything in the world for him and his deep friendship.
After the reminiscing, Myoozik snapped back to his senses to see that the traffic has slowed down, showing that some time has passed. He looked at his drink still in his hand, which is now almost empty and wondered how long time has passed. He looked back to the cafe to the clock on the wall where it read 10:35 am, still early in the morning. He remembered that someone had booked him for 11:00 am so he hurried up out of his chair and began to run back towards his apartment to get his equipment. Got stuck reminiscing about my friends again, huh? The dragon thought while running through the crowd moving out of the way. I got to stop doing that but I just can’t help it, they’re the greatest people ever. He slapped himself to focus on his task and found his apartment. He opened the door and started running up the stairs but to his misfortune, he tripped on the second to last step and dropped his frozen coffee, spilling down the steps. He looked at it and started getting red faced.  
The End
(It took me like almost ten hours to write this piece of shit and now I think i’m done. There’s his entire backstory and his relationship with his friends and now I’m fucking tired. Once again, thank you all for being really great friends and sticking by me, I really appreciate it. <3)
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