Days of Summer Part 1 & 2 [NSFW]


Nostalgia Purist
King Aspen had a round Birthday party one morning so King Aspen, Bramble, Spike and the Mane Six was at the party. The ponies, the baby dragon and the deers held some small, round, clear, shiny, creaking and hissing balloons in many colors they gave air until the hissing, round, clear, shiny, creaking got very large as some of the balloons was printed. The horny ponies, the deers and the baby dragon grabbed the round, printed, clear, shiny, creaking ballons from the morning until the afternoon non stop.Then was the ponies and King Aspen rubbing themselves under their legs from the afternoon until the next morning non stop by seeing Bramble hold a round, printed, clear, shiny, creaking balloon between his hooves as he rubbed the balloon against the spikes on Spike from the afternoon until the next morning.

Nostalgia Purist
Zecora and Bulk Biceps was together at the Friendship Festival in Canterlot one October morning. Zecora and Bulk Biceps grabbed a creaking, shiny, red, round balloon with their hooves for three hours. Zecora then rubbed a hoof under her legs for over the noon until the afternoon under the festival as Bulk Biceps then brushed a static creaking, shiny, golden round balloon against the hair on the striped horse.

Nostalgia Purist
The night at the annual Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville had arrived. It was back at the end of May. A crowd of ponies had went to Twilight’s new house that was a library. Twilight and Spike had moved from Canterlot where she had been born and raised, as she and Spike moved to their new library in Ponyville that day.
“Hey, I’m Spike and I been raised in Canterlot with Twilight.” Spike told Applejack and smiled.
“Howdy, and I am Applejack from the Sweet Apple Acres farm outside Ponyville.” Applejack told the baby dragon and gave a smile.
There was a surprise party at midnight under the moon in the crowded house. The library had been decorated with big colourful balloons, confetti and streamers. For over 500 years ago in the 1480s Starswirl the Bearded had been told to live there according to the books in that library. Starswirl failed the tests that Princess Celestia gave him, so he moved out of Ponyville. Twilight went to bed under the party in the night, but the party was still going on. There was games, stories and cakes. Spike had been reading stories about the history of Ponyville, as Applejack read a book about Sweet Apple Acre’s over 100 year of history.
“For decades the gathering of the Apple family at every Summer Sun Celebration had been a tradition, as they gathered in the orchard by Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack read.
Drinks from Manehattan got served, and there was also strong drinks from Saddle Arabia too. Many of the guests that came to the party in the library was Derpy. Pinkie Pie had taken a bunch of records with her she played, and the crowd of ponies they was dancing along to the latest hit music from the Ponyville musicians. Later on had Applejack, Rarity and Spike been grabbing a large clear pink horseshoe balloon. Rarity then felthow Spike kept on brushing the loudly squeaking balloon against her horn for a while. Over an hour later had the reptile been sucking Rarity’s hardened horn in long time. The baby dragon with soft spikes masturbated for over five hours by seeing the earth pony giving the unicorn that long horn sucking as Applejack kept on giving the unicorn pony a hornjob were Spike petting the bloated rubber horseshoe. The party in Twilight’s library ended later that night, as the ponies and Spike they went to the annual Summer Sun Celebration in the decorated towns hall.  

Nostalgia Purist
It was under the ceremony for Starlight one morning in Twiligh’ts new castle where a crowd of Changelings and ponies were together, as round, clear, shiny, blue, large and pink balloons on strings hanged all around. Party Favor and Mayor Mare was grabbing a large, pink, round, clear, shiny and creaking balloon with their hooves for over three hours. After that had Mayor Mare been sucking the horn on Party Favor for over four hours non stop, as relaxed Party Favor held a creaking static balloon with a hoof he brushed against Mayor Mare’s hair.  
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Naked Peter and Louis Griffin was at Gildas balloon and banner decorated prank party in a crowded Sugarcube Corner. Gilda had a balloon phobia and did not like the many balloons. Spike had Gildas beak in his mouth and he sucked the beak for 6 hours non stop as naked Peter and Louis Griffin rubbed their bodies againsgt each other for 6 hours non stop. Gilda was scared as the chameleon gave her a balloon beak massage with a large, pink, creaking, shiny star shaped balloon for 6 minutes. Gilda then with a beak sucked a spike on Spike for 1 hour as the chameleon rubbed himself under the legs. The hawk then felt less scared of balloons so Pinkie Pie, Peter Griffin, Louis Griffin and the hawk was then grabbing a wide creaking balloon for 1 hour.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
There was a big crowd at Twilights coronation in a balloon decorated Canterlot Gardens with guests from all over Equestria that got drinks and pies. Skybeak had a balloon phobia and did not like being aorund the many round balloons but Moondancer was giving the nervous bird a beak and hair massage for 6 hours with a creaking, pink, round and shiny balloon as the bird felt a little less scared of balloons as the soft balloon skin brushed against his beak and hair as the bird was then giving the horse a horn sucking with his beak for 3 hours as Skybeak held the creaking balloon.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Years had gone since Twilight became the new ruler of Equestria. Twilight had her round Birthday in the school. The school was decorated with balloons, streamers and banners as there tons of presents too that day long out in the future. The ponies, the horsefly, the two big birds, the reptile and the cow grabbed a creaking, very large, round, orange, very shiny, very clear balloon from the party with their hooves for over three hours.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Pinkie Pie that was together with her five Ponyville ponies she made some creaking balloon animals to Klugeltown that had their Friendship Festival, as the crowd of Klugeltowner creatures also got some round, hissing, clear, shiny, creakings balloons they gave air until the round balloons got very large. The Klugeltowners and the ponies was catching a creaking pink round shiny big balloon for over an hour non stop.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their wedding in the decorated Sweet Apple Acres with Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare. Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their wedding in the decorated Sweet Apple Acres with Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare as Bright Mac was kissing his bride with a pink balloon between their lips for 5 minutes from the balloon decorations as the rodent was brushing the balloon. Then was the three ponies and the vermin grabbing the balloon for 50 minutes in the acres.

Maud Pie had her little Birthday surprise party by the banners and balloon decorated Ponyville towns hall and many of the ponies got some round and yellow ballons, as there was an Maude Pie was an cardboard cutout in the crowd.

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Human Principal Cinch was at Rainbow Dash Birthday in a crowded Ponyville. There was a lot of balloons and banners. Human Principal Cinch was getting an very thick, shiny, very large Rainbow Dash helium balloon on a string at the party and Principal Cinch was rubbinng the very thick, shiny, very large Rainbow Dash helium balloon between its legs for 4 hours non stop in the pony crowd.

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
An crowd of ponies was out in the annual Hearts and Hooves Day in the spring. There was balloons, banners, flags, heart decorations and more form the morning until the late night. Spike, Big Mac and Discord was at the Hearts and Hooves Day in the crowded Ponyville. Discord was scared of balloons as the slug watched the reptile rub his back spikes against an big arch made of creaking, round, shiny and clear balloons in many colors for 3 hours. The reptile rub his back spikes against an big arc made of creaking, round, shiny and clear balloons in many colors for 3 hours. Then Discord had send himself, Spike and Big Mac down to the slugs RPG world to make Big Mac meet with Skellinore. Spike was brushing the big arc made of creaking, round, shiny and clear balloons in many colors against Skellinore as Discord that was nervous of the balloon arch and the horse with an magic horn was all three dressed up in RPG brushing the big arc made of creaking, round, shiny and clear balloons in many colors for 3 hours as Big Mac felt the balloon arch rub against his magic horn.

A crowd of ponies was at the annual Apple Family Zap Apple Jam Extraordinaire event in an balloon and banner decorated Sweet Apple Acres orchard in the spring. Those who won the most points for a song in the annual Apple Family Zap Apple Jam Extraordinaire would go to the annual finale to sing against other Equestria cities in the Crystal Empire stadium that summer that began with 10 songs many moons ago and grew to 24 songs.

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Spike and Shining Armor was together at the crowded Crystal Empire Equestria Games stadium at the 1000th games where the Crystal Empire held the games after being hidden for 1000 of years in the midst of 5 elected Equestrian cities. Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Griffonstone all made it to the top 3 at the finale as the six ponies and the birds was all dressed up and they all got their medals. Many ponies in the crowded arena they got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon. Spike got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon after the medals was given out to the birds and the ponies. Shining Armor held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his horn as the alligator boy held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his spikes on his head for 2 hours as the reptile and the horse was petting the balloon with their horns and spikes in front of the crowd. An scared griffon with medals on the podium then got an balloon beak massage with the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon for 2 hours in front of the crowd as the bird had a balloon phobia. Then was Spike and Shining Armor with their noses and the three balloon scared griffons withn their beaks pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon for 2 hours as Spike rubbed himself under the legs by pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his nose until he reached his orgasm in front of the crowd.
A crowd of fillies all dressed up from Ponyville was together at the crowded Crystal Empire Equestria Games stadium at the 1000th games where the Crystal Empire held the games after being hidden for 1000 of years in the midst of 5 elected Equestrian cities. Ponyville made it to the flag carrying team. Many ponies in the crowded arena they got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon. Diamond Tiara got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon after three wreaths was given out to the CMC by Miss Harshwinny. Diamond Tiara held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with her hooves as she gave balloon scared Silver Spoon an raised hair massage for 2 hours. Then was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with their noses pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon for 2 hours as Diamond Tiara rubbed herself under the legs by pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon until she reached her orgasm in front of the crowd.

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Terramar, a crowd of seaponies, Sppongebob and Ocean Flow got two big glove balloons on strings in Glove World as the seaponies had been in Glove World for the first time. Ocean Flow was nervous of the glove balloons as Terramar gave his mother an 1 hour glove balloon hair mnassage as the seapony felt the rub against her hair.

Timekeeper and a crowd of ponies was at the Worldwide 1000th games qualifications in Rainbow Falls in the spring where the Crystal Empire was going to host the games later in the summer after being hidden for 1000 of years in the midst of 5 elected Equestrian cities. Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Griffonstone all made it to the top 3 at the finale as the twelve ponies and the birds was all dressed up and they all got their medals. Many ponies in the crowded Rainbow Falls they got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon. One on the games was for a group of pegasi to hold an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon up above the skies and not drop it on the ground. Timekeeper got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon after the medals was given out to the birds and the ponies. The pony held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his horn as balloon scared Bulk Biceps held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his head for 2 hours as the pony and the horse was petting the balloon with their horn and head in front of the crowd. An scared griffon with medals on the podium then got an balloon beak massage with the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon by Timekeeper for 2 hours in front of the crowd as the bird had a balloon phobia. Then was Timekeeper with his horn and snout and the three balloon scared griffons with their beaks pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon for 2 hours as the birds and the pony rubbed themselves under the legs by pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon until they reached their orgasm in front of the crowd.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd

The student 6 was at the Feats of Friendship in an crowded hippodrome. Many ponies and Ocellus got an blue, round, clear and shiny balloon at the Feats of Friendship. Siverstream had a balloon phobia and was scared as Ocellus gave her an 6 hour non stop balloon beak massage with the creaking, blue, round, clear and shiny balloon. Then was the six creatures grabbing the creaking, blue, round, clear and shiny balloon for 2 hours.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
An pony guard and Princess Celestia was at an crowded brunch in banners, confetti and balloon decorated Sugarcube Corner. Princess Celestia and the guard pony pushed to an very thick, blue, wide, clear and shiny balloon from the decorations for 3 hours. Then was the pony brushing the very thick, blue, wide, clear and shiny balloon against Princess Celestias horn and hair for 4 hours non stop as the horse rubbed herself under her legs.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies, Spike, Ember and Thorax was together at the Flame of Friendship party at the confetti, streamers, banners and balloon decorated city hall. Ember took an grey, wide, shiny and clear balloon from the decorations and gave balloon scared Thorax an 4 hour balloon horn massage as the scared tick felt the grey, wide, shiny and clear balloon rub against his horn. Ember then took an pink, round, shiny and clear balloon from the decorations and gave balloon scared Spike an 4 hour balloon spike massage as the scared reptile felt the grey, wide, shiny and clear balloon rub against his spikes.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies was at the cute cenera for Gabby at the crowded Ponyville towns hall that was decorated with banners, balloons, confetti and streamers. Gabby was afraid of balloons and the scared bird felt how Octavia gave her an 4 hour balloon beak massage with an big bunch of shiny, big, clear, round, heart shaped and wide balloons. Then was Gabby rubbing the big bunch of shiny, big, clear, round, heart shaped and wide balloons against static Berry Puncs hair for 4 hours.

Starlight Glimmer had returned to the Sunset Festival in her village one summer afternoon after the defeat of Queen Chrysalis that now was on the run. Despite the ponies had a fright of balloons were Starlight wih her shaking hooves grabbing a large, round, shiny, clear, red loudly creaking balloon that Double Diamond and Party Favor pushed and kicked to in over eight hours. As horny Starlight inflated a big, squeaking golden, round balloon she then held under her hooves was Party Favor sucking her hot horn in over eight hour, as then Double Diamond then sucked her horn in an hour until the unicorn reached her orgasm. Shaking Starlight had a balloon phobia, but she felt very calm by holding the golden balloon body, as the stallion kept on sucking her hard horn. Then had Starlight been rubbing the round, golden, inflated rubber against the flanks on the two relaxed and ecstatic stallion for a long time from the night until the early morning.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd was at the biggest party in Canterlot and it was the coronation of Twilight Sparkle 1000 of moons out in the future. Ponies and creatures was at the coronation in the balloon decorated Canterlot Gardens that evening and there was dragons, changelings and more. Grandpa Gruff gave balloon scared Lyra and 5 hour non stop balloon horn massage and static hair massage with an very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon as the scared pony felt the very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon rub against her horn and static hair. Then was the bird and the pony grabbing the very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon for 3 hours. Gabby gave balloon scared Spike and 5 hour non stop balloon spike massage massage with an very wide, clear, shiny and yellow balloon as the scared reptile felt the very wide, clear, shiny and yellow balloon rub against his spikes that got pressed down by the soft balloon skin. Then was the bird and the reptile grabbing the very wide, clear, shiny and yellow balloon for 3 hours. After the party that early morning was Gabby blowing air in another clear, shiny and yellow balloon that got very wide between the claws of the bird and Gabby was then giving balloon scared Spike another 3 hour non stop balloon spike massage massage with the very wide, clear, shiny and yellow balloon as the relaxed reptile felt the very wide, clear, shiny and yellow balloon rub against his spikes that got pressed down by the soft balloon skin until the masturbating reptile got an climax 3 hours later by his balloon spike massage.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd was at the welcome party for Gilda in Sugarcube Corner. The crowd of ponies, Spike and Gilda was in the balloons, banner, streamers and confetti decorated Sugarcube Corner. There was sweets, drinks, soda and presents too under the welcome party. Gilda gave balloon scared Colgate an 5 hour non stop balloon horn massage and static hair massage with an very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon as the scared pony felt the very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon rub against her horn and static hair. Then was the bird and the pony grabbing the very thick, clear, shiny and pink balloon for 3 hours. Gilda then gave balloon scared Spike and 5 hour non stop balloon spike massage massage with an very wide, clear, shiny and orange balloon as the scared reptile felt the very wide, clear, shiny and orange balloon rub against his spikes that got pressed down by the soft balloon skin. Then was the bird and the reptile grabbing the very wide, clear, shiny and orange balloon for 3 hours. After the party that early morning was Gabby blowing air in an very wide, clear, shiny and pink balloon that got very wide between the claws of the bird and Gilda was then giving balloon scared Spike another 3 hour non stop balloon spike massage with the balloon in the empty and messy Sugarcube Corner as the relaxed reptile felt the balloon rub against his spikes that got pressed down by the soft balloon skin until the masturbating reptile got an climax 3 hours later by his balloon spike massage.
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