The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions)


@William Brady
yeah I had did edit the comment to say an online comment but I guess it didn’t show the change when you replied
or you started replying before my edit either way people taking something to seriously. Speaking of people I am
surprised Peet didn’t say GamerGater when she made her “witty” reply.
William Brady

I’m curious to know, what are Xain’s thoughts on this video, if he ever gets the chance to see it?
Considering how, it actually completely destroys Peet’s own outlook on the world around her. Which hopefully, given that Silver Quill’s well liked by anyone who’s not just in the brony community, but also people who enjoy the show though won’t go as far as to call themselves part of the fandom, he’ll finally understand just how crazy she really is.

here is something Peet related.
for those that don’t want to click on the link
The Soulsborne games bill themselves as being extremely hard. But they’re not particularly hard, they’re just punishing. Attacks hit you for a lot of damage and dying means you have to go and pick up your souls again. But the problem with that design is that it forgets that difficulty is not the important part. Difficulty is a means to an end.
A boss’s attack hitting you for a lot of damage is the way in which a game forces you to engage with it’s mechanics. If it does trivial damage, you can just ignore it. You can see this in action in World of Warcraft. The easiest difficulty is the Raid Finder, where every ability a boss has just hits you like a wet noodle. This difficulty is intended so everyone can see the culmination of an expansion’s story without having to pull their hair out in progression raiding. It’s intended for people who care about story or just like to see a raid’s environment.
But the massive nerf to the damage of a boss’s mechanics means that the mechanics don’t mean anything to the players. So every boss just becomes a tank and spank where you stand there pressing your one ability and eventually the boss will fall over.
So the attack has to punish you to force you to actually deal with the mechanics. It doesn’t have to be severe, but it has to make a noticeable impact on the player. And higher difficulty settings exist to keep those mechanics engaging as the player becomes more skilled. This is why difficulty settings in video games generally only affect the damage you take and the damage you can dish out, because that’s all it really needs to do to make the actual mechanics of the fight more important and make you more likely to engage with them.
If the mechanics themselves aren’t satisfying, well then there ya go. The mechanics themselves aren’t satisfying. - The Importance of Boss Mechanics
So all I am seeing from this is “here is a preview of my new Glass of Water which is me trying to act better then
game designers and also me showing I am not able to get good.” Anyone else seeing that or is it just me?

you know I am surprised no one on Kiwi Farms archived the preview of Lily Peet’s Glass of Water-The Importance of Boss Mechanics yet. I would think the preview of Peet’s first glass of water on video games would be something to talk about or laugh about

it was pony related wasn’t it or was it something original? Either way what a shock Peet saying she doesn’t like 18+ stuff and then she apparently made a porn game.

here you guys go someone calling out Peet.
here is the copy and paste for those who don’t want to right click.
A Response to Jerry Peet’s video on Opinions
You hypocrite. I’m only watching and commenting on this video because this is mainly about my significant other. Before the opening credits roll, I’m pissed. “Self created delusion”? Yeah, that seems to fit you more than it does him. You’ve deluded yourself with your echo chamber and your disabled like/dislike bar and removal of your comments. When Voice sees someone criticizing his own work, he takes it into account for his next review. Heck, he dedicated an entire video to the mistakes people pointed out in his Friendship is Witchcraft review, and promoted a response video to that review. Why? Because he knows his opinion isn’t the only one that matters.
Sure, trash talk me for White Knighting my boyfriend, someone who I’ve known intimately for three years now, and then give the strangers who do the same to you a pat on the back. Because I deserve to be criticized for defending my boyfriend, then your followers deserve to be criticized for defending someone who they’ve never spoken to, let alone had a conversation with, beyond YouTube comments. And this wasn’t even on Voice of Reason himself, but on someone who commented on this video from THREE YEARS AGO, who Voice just so happened to agree with. And I agree with that too; form your own opinions, don’t take someone else’s word as the Law of the Great Imaginary Friend in the Sky. And his, and the commenter’s, claim that you don’t let people speak their opinions is 100% correct. If you did, then you wouldn’t be removing comments because they proved you wrong and would have the like/dislike bar enabled so people can show you how much they agree, or, God forbid, DISAGREE with you. You never TOLD people they’re not allowed to have their own opinion, but you sure implied it in the form of your actions. “It’s the attitude of giving your opinion in a public setting… and then expecting nobody to make an actual rebuttal.” You clearly don’t, otherwise those rebuttals would be visible, now would they? Now if that quote sound familiar, go watch this video again.
Yes, you can respect someone else’s opinion even if you disagree with it. For example, most of my family is full of Trump supporters while I’m politically ambidextrous. They have a right to their opinion. I’m not gonna chew them out on it. If I say that I think that Trump is a bad president because of so-and-so reasons, they’ll respect it in return. I don’t try to convince them to say that they are wrong that I am right. You do. I don’t try to censor my family’s views. You do. I don’t chew them out in public/on social media to humiliate them and use my followers to pull out the torches and guns and harass them while I play the victim. You. FUCKING. Do! And you constantly lose your cool when others imply that their opinions are better than yours. That’s why you censor and disable the like bar, isn’t it, Jerry? Yes, I’m calling you Jerry because you don’t deserve to be recognized as a lady.
Besides, remember who the target audience of this show is: young girls, barely preteens. Funny since you recognized this in your video, “Guard Break”, but then say that opinions not as thought out, like that of a typical young kid, aren’t worthy. They’re not expected to elaborate on their opinions because THEY ARE KIDS! Sure, a kid who can explain why they like or not like something is good, but the average kid isn’t expected to give a five page essay as to why they don’t like vegetables. You’re like those bronies who make little girls cry at the toy store because they don’t have a “good enough” reason as to why so-and-so is best pony, nor can they recite the entire dialogue from an obscure episode from memory. YOU are part of the problem as to why bronies aren’t taken seriously. Sure, you say that you wouldn’t engage in this type of conversation with small children, but small children DO find their way to YouTube and could very well stumble upon this video. And that’s not even counting those who lie about their age just to get an account and comment on videos like this.
You know what, Jerry? It’s these “thought out” opinions that usually suck viewers in. You use long words to make yourself sound smart, when really, you’re like Stephenie Meyer; who frequently uses “chagrin” because it sounds oh so smart… even for sentences that shouldn’t even use “chagrin”. Heck, I’ll even compare you to Quibble Pants, using fancy jargon to make your opinions sound more thought out than they actually are. Everything you said about Quibble Pants can easily, if not moreso, apply to YOU. Those words are like honey and these flies that are your subscribers are drawn in because, “Hey, he sounds like a smart guy! I should subscribe!”
And I used to be subscribed to you. I used to like watching your content because of your “thought out opinions” on the characters, episodes, songs, and themes. But I started becoming wary of you with the Sapphire Heartsong drama. This is the final straw. Not just for trashing my boyfriend, but for basically becoming the characters in the show you LOATHE the most! Starlight’s super-controlling nature to the point of figurative mind roofies in the form of Quibble’s dialogue. But hey, since you don’t count people criticizing you for not respecting others’ opinions, I guess this is okay. And changing your opinions to be “right” I guess is okay too. It’s not like people use conflicting opinions on Trump from Obama years ago to say, “See? Obama is wrong! He secretly likes Trump!” Yes, opinions can change over time, but it gets fishy when your opinions just so happen to change because it’s considered “wrong”. And on that note on throwing a hissy fit when you’re proven wrong, you tend to do so FAR more often than you claim your competition does. You’re sulking right now. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be making this video. Heck, you wouldn’t have made ANY videos calling out other bronies, and I don’t subscribe to this BULLSHIT drama!
Remember what I said that people can respect others’ opinions even when they disagree with their own? Well, I disagree with you, and don’t respect you. You’re the exception. And since you love being treated different from everyone else, I’m making you the exception to my transgenders principle, that you are now the only one I will refer to by birth name and sex rather than your prefered one, as well as my no swear principle: Fuck you to the deepest pits in Hell and may you be tortured with these “differing” or “not as worthy opinions”. And as an added bonus, I’ve also put a spin on your favorite hashtag: #EarnThatRespectJERRY
William Brady

here you guys go someone calling out Peet.
here is the copy and paste for those who don’t want to right click.
A Response to Jerry Peet’s video on Opinions
You hypocrite. I’m only watching and commenting on this video because this is mainly about my significant other. Before the opening credits roll, I’m pissed. “Self created delusion”? Yeah, that seems to fit you more than it does him. You’ve deluded yourself with your echo chamber and your disabled like/dislike bar and removal of your comments. When Voice sees someone criticizing his own work, he takes it into account for his next review. Heck, he dedicated an entire video to the mistakes people pointed out in his Friendship is Witchcraft review, and promoted a response video to that review. Why? Because he knows his opinion isn’t the only one that matters.
Sure, trash talk me for White Knighting my boyfriend, someone who I’ve known intimately for three years now, and then give the strangers who do the same to you a pat on the back. Because I deserve to be criticized for defending my boyfriend, then your followers deserve to be criticized for defending someone who they’ve never spoken to, let alone had a conversation with, beyond YouTube comments. And this wasn’t even on Voice of Reason himself, but on someone who commented on this video from THREE YEARS AGO, who Voice just so happened to agree with. And I agree with that too; form your own opinions, don’t take someone else’s word as the Law of the Great Imaginary Friend in the Sky. And his, and the commenter’s, claim that you don’t let people speak their opinions is 100% correct. If you did, then you wouldn’t be removing comments because they proved you wrong and would have the like/dislike bar enabled so people can show you how much they agree, or, God forbid, DISAGREE with you. You never TOLD people they’re not allowed to have their own opinion, but you sure implied it in the form of your actions. “It’s the attitude of giving your opinion in a public setting… and then expecting nobody to make an actual rebuttal.” You clearly don’t, otherwise those rebuttals would be visible, now would they? Now if that quote sound familiar, go watch this video again.
Yes, you can respect someone else’s opinion even if you disagree with it. For example, most of my family is full of Trump supporters while I’m politically ambidextrous. They have a right to their opinion. I’m not gonna chew them out on it. If I say that I think that Trump is a bad president because of so-and-so reasons, they’ll respect it in return. I don’t try to convince them to say that they are wrong that I am right. You do. I don’t try to censor my family’s views. You do. I don’t chew them out in public/on social media to humiliate them and use my followers to pull out the torches and guns and harass them while I play the victim. You. FUCKING. Do! And you constantly lose your cool when others imply that their opinions are better than yours. That’s why you censor and disable the like bar, isn’t it, Jerry? Yes, I’m calling you Jerry because you don’t deserve to be recognized as a lady.
Besides, remember who the target audience of this show is: young girls, barely preteens. Funny since you recognized this in your video, “Guard Break”, but then say that opinions not as thought out, like that of a typical young kid, aren’t worthy. They’re not expected to elaborate on their opinions because THEY ARE KIDS! Sure, a kid who can explain why they like or not like something is good, but the average kid isn’t expected to give a five page essay as to why they don’t like vegetables. You’re like those bronies who make little girls cry at the toy store because they don’t have a “good enough” reason as to why so-and-so is best pony, nor can they recite the entire dialogue from an obscure episode from memory. YOU are part of the problem as to why bronies aren’t taken seriously. Sure, you say that you wouldn’t engage in this type of conversation with small children, but small children DO find their way to YouTube and could very well stumble upon this video. And that’s not even counting those who lie about their age just to get an account and comment on videos like this.
You know what, Jerry? It’s these “thought out” opinions that usually suck viewers in. You use long words to make yourself sound smart, when really, you’re like Stephenie Meyer; who frequently uses “chagrin” because it sounds oh so smart… even for sentences that shouldn’t even use “chagrin”. Heck, I’ll even compare you to Quibble Pants, using fancy jargon to make your opinions sound more thought out than they actually are. Everything you said about Quibble Pants can easily, if not moreso, apply to YOU. Those words are like honey and these flies that are your subscribers are drawn in because, “Hey, he sounds like a smart guy! I should subscribe!”
And I used to be subscribed to you. I used to like watching your content because of your “thought out opinions” on the characters, episodes, songs, and themes. But I started becoming wary of you with the Sapphire Heartsong drama. This is the final straw. Not just for trashing my boyfriend, but for basically becoming the characters in the show you LOATHE the most! Starlight’s super-controlling nature to the point of figurative mind roofies in the form of Quibble’s dialogue. But hey, since you don’t count people criticizing you for not respecting others’ opinions, I guess this is okay. And changing your opinions to be “right” I guess is okay too. It’s not like people use conflicting opinions on Trump from Obama years ago to say, “See? Obama is wrong! He secretly likes Trump!” Yes, opinions can change over time, but it gets fishy when your opinions just so happen to change because it’s considered “wrong”. And on that note on throwing a hissy fit when you’re proven wrong, you tend to do so FAR more often than you claim your competition does. You’re sulking right now. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be making this video. Heck, you wouldn’t have made ANY videos calling out other bronies, and I don’t subscribe to this BULLSHIT drama!
Remember what I said that people can respect others’ opinions even when they disagree with their own? Well, I disagree with you, and don’t respect you. You’re the exception. And since you love being treated different from everyone else, I’m making you the exception to my transgenders principle, that you are now the only one I will refer to by birth name and sex rather than your prefered one, as well as my no swear principle: Fuck you to the deepest pits in Hell and may you be tortured with these “differing” or “not as worthy opinions”. And as an added bonus, I’ve also put a spin on your favorite hashtag: #EarnThatRespectJERRY
Because I’m one to be intellectually honest here, I feel that SEGASister has actually gone TOO far with that last part. Because you’re only going to making yourself look worse, if you just end up resorting to the same tactics that Peet accuses others of using.
Honestly, if SEGASister really wants to have her message heard, she should apologize for suggesting that Peet (as scummy as she is), deserves to end up in the deepest pits of heck. Since frankly, I wouldn’t wish such a thing upon even my worst enemies (with the exception of terrorists and deplorable individuals like them).

@William Brady
Sad truth is even if she didn’t say that last part about wanting Peet to burn in oblivion Peet would still get on
her case and even if she did use the preferred pronouns Peet wanted again Peet would just go “la,la,la,la I’m not
listening”. Also to be fair to SEGASister her boyfriend was attacked by Peet so maybe the last part was just a in
a moment of anger type deal.
William Brady

Sad truth is even if she didn’t say that last part about wanting Peet to burn in oblivion Peet would still get on
her case and even if she did use the preferred pronouns Peet wanted again Peet would just go “la,la,la,la I’m not
listening”. Also to be fair to SEGASister her boyfriend was attacked by Peet so maybe the last part was just a in
a moment of anger type deal.
I understand that she’s mad at how Peet attacked her boyfriend. However, she should still apologize for suggesting that Peet ought to burn in heck, because that’s going a bit TOO far, even when it’s directed at someone you hate.

@William Brady
Peet wouldn’t even accept the apologize. Not only was she told to burn in oblivion but SEGASister made it clear
she is not going to be using Peet’s proper pronouns. So even if she does say sorry Peet is just going to use her
as other scapegoat. Though the only upside if SEGASister does apologize would be at least other person showing
they are more mature then Peet. Then again it isn’t hard being more mature then Peet.
William Brady

Well yes. Because it only shows that they’d be no better than Peet. Much like the couple of folks out there (crazy conspiratorial nutjobs, likely part of the alt-right), who depicted Barack Obama in displays like beheading and crucifixion. It wasn’t right when those people acted that way towards Obama, and it’s not right when someone like SEGASister suggests that Peet should burn in heck. I’m only being intellectually honest on this sort of thing.

I assume this was in response to what SEGASister said? Also why on earth didn’t she try having Peet change the
script if it had so many issues? I am at least going to give Lizzy some credit she seems to at least still have a
head on her shoulders even if she is marrying someone who isn’t sharing her religious view points which I think
will cause troubles down the line. Oh and I am surprised that Peet isn’t getting on Lizzy’s case for disagreeing
with her. I mean Peet keeps on harping on Josh after his video on her and yet Lizzy gets a pass.
William Brady

I assume this was in response to what SEGASister said? Also why on earth didn’t she try having Peet change the
script if it had so many issues? I am at least going to give Lizzy some credit she seems to at least still have a
head on her shoulders even if she is marrying someone who isn’t sharing her religious view points which I think
will cause troubles down the line. Oh and I am surprised that Peet isn’t getting on Lizzy’s case for disagreeing
with her. I mean Peet keeps on harping on Josh after his video on her and yet Lizzy gets a pass.
Peet’s alright with both Lizzy and Xain, since they all share the same political and social beliefs, especially on the notion that ALL Republicans and conservatives should die.
Additionally, if it’s wrong for anyone to judge trans people on an individual basis, does that mean Peet, Lizzy, and Xain also think it’s not okay to “misgender” or “deadname” (the latter isn’t even a real word), people like Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner? Since in their minds, they’re both Nazi alt-righters who hate other trans people that aren’t like them. Because if they are alright with that, then those three have some serious double standards.
Plus, Lizzy is also wrong to suggest that Peet doesn’t have an echo chamber, when in fact, she blocks everyone who, even remotely, disagrees with her on political/social issues, as well as stuff involving the entire brony community in general.
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