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“It’s foalproof!” [ding!]
Get to know their friends. 
Winning over a diplomat’s friends means they’re hearing good things about you when you’re not around. 
“Pinkie told me you loved party cannons. How about your own mini-party cannons?” 
Bring food. 
But don’t bring their food and don’t claim it’s the best. Make it something they’ll be curious about. 
“Griffon scones! I ordered these all the way from the Griffon Kingdom! Only ones in Yakyakistan.”
That way if they hate them, nobody has to be insulted. You can bond over how terrible they are. 
“This food terrible!” 
“Well, what do you expect? They’re half bird! When was the last time you ate something a bird baked?” 
“Ha ha ha ha!”
Remember everypony’s name all the time. 
It shows ponies that you care (even if you don’t). 
“Yakmina! I was just telling Prince Rutherford, Yakatar, and Leroy here what an excellent spa service you run! Just! The! Best!” 
“Prince Blueblood so kind.” 
“Not at all! Rutherword, you need to relax more. You should go see her!”

safe2204420 artist:tony fleecs1766 idw21353 big boy the cloud gremlin70 prince blueblood4603 prince rutherford889 yaakov44 yakmina9 yasir43 cloud gremlins80 griffon37408 yak6341 friends forever #2640 g42059824 my little pony: friends forever1759 spoiler:comic13347 comic137234 derail in the comments369 diplomacy159 female yak8 glasses90728 griffon scone74 griffonstone321 guide222 insult500 jerk123 leroy2 male562410 mean120 party cannon2091 racism841 stallion201058 stomping922 wink33522 yak smash68 yakatar2 yakyakistan181


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Background Pony #E634
Doesn’t this need to be tagged for the cloud gremlin in the last panel?

Yeah, whenever I hint that I want something I’m practically holding someone at gunpoint.
“Ironic how you lambast Rarity for expecting special treatment when Blueblood had the most favors done for him throughout the date.” - Not ironic, and also, just ‘cause Blueblood’s stubborness won out in the end doesn’t absolve Rarity of the fact that she wanted him to treat him special for no reason. Whether she was sucsessful or not isn’t the issue, it’s that she wanted him to be exactly as she wanted him to be, and made no attempts to get to know him or let him know her. The only way she could’ve been more direct about it would be if she said “Hey, you’re attractive, now be my knight in shining armour and worship the very ground I stand on.”
“Rarity was more than willing to do a favor or two” … WHEN?! She EXPECTED him to sacrifice his own clothing and EXPECTED him to buy her food, and EXPECTED him to prepare her a seat and EXPECTED him to be exactly as she imagined he would be. The only times she did anything for him was when it was clear HE wasn’t gonna do it for HER. That’s not the same as her offering to make the first sacrifice, that’s her simply realising that the day would be at a stand-still.
“Same can’t be said for Blueblood.” - So are you saying that you would throw a piece of your clothing into a small puddle for a total stranger? That you would buy a total stranger food just because they approached you at a party? That you give up your seating for a total stranger?
At the most you’d maybe be willing to open a door for one, as many people would be, but again, he’s a freakin’ prince. You gotta figure that he’s used to other people opening doors for HIM. That’s simply a matter of him living a different lifestyle.
Also, again, gotta point out that he DID stop Rarity from walking into that puddle. If he was as ‘revolting’ as you claim, he would’ve simply stopped silently and mocked her for walking in it. He stopped her with quite a concerned look, I might add. So, yeah, he DID do her a favour. But of course nobody looks for good points in a character that made best mane pony upset.

Did you not watch scene?
The constant coughing getting louder and more exaggerated(and angrier tone.) and him jerking his head in the direction of the food stand is basically a non-verbal forum of that.
Ironic how you lambast Rarity for expecting special treatment when Blueblood had the most favors done for him throughout the date.  
Rarity was more than willing to do a favor or two, but wanted some in return.(Same can’t be said for Blueblood.)

He didn’t ‘pressure’ her, he ‘expected’ her to pay for him. Again, prince. Princes don’t tend to buy their own shit. Especially shit they were led to and suggested by someone else. Yes, bit of a dick move to expect somebody to buy you your food, but Rarity epexcted HIM to buy her something, too. Double-standards - you think Blueblood’s ‘revolting’ because of this, then Rarity is, too. At least Blueblood’s in a position where, normally, ponies WOULD be buying him food, whilst Rarity is just a +1 at the gala.
‘Pressuring’ her would be him actually going, “C’mon, do it. Fork over the bits. Buy me that stuff now. Do it. Do it do it do it.”

“ Nothing else suggests he’s a jerk, asshole, bastard, demon, monster, unforgivable dickweed, douchelord extreme, or whatever other terms you might wanna use.”
And we’re done here.
Also good to know that pressuring someone to pay for you is just how he avoids becoming a “servant to her will.”

“ the tones of the scenes” - The tones being Rarity expecting royal treatment for no reason and Blueblood just being there
“and trying to make Blueblood out to be a passive innocent” - He pretty much IS. I mean, he didn’t make it his GOAL to sabotage Rarity’s night or anything. She did a good enough job of that on her own
“silently protesting against the awful Rarity.” - He was just not becoming a servant to her will which, y’know, is to be expected since he knew literally nothing about her other than her name and face
“Fairly certain that when most people encounter someone with a self centered and snide personality,” - Which he didn’t display at any point other than putting himself above ‘commoner food’. Most people would just see it as personal tastes and leave it at that. At no point did Blueblood DEMAND Rarity sacrifice something for his sake, nor did he have somepony make a sacrifice to make his own life better. THAT’S what self-centeredness is, not simply liking your own appearence.
“Mostly about showing how much of a stereotypical rich privileged jerk Blueblood is. “ - He is rich and privalaged, and yeah, we’ve seen he can be a jerk to commoners from that AJ scene. And that’s literally it. Nothing else suggests he’s a jerk, asshole, bastard, demon, monster, unforgivable dickweed, douchelord extreme, or whatever other terms you might wanna use. Just that he sees life as something that’s given to him and doesn’t go out of his way to please a random stranger.

“I love how you don’t read shit.”  
Same appeals to emotions by saying he could have been worse, understating (and sometimes out right ignoring) the tones of the scenes, and trying to make Blueblood out to be a passive innocent that was just silently protesting against the awful Rarity.
“but for those of us on EARTH, no. Not at all”  
Fairly certain that when most people encounter someone with a self centered and snide personality, who also expects special treatment, are driven away and try to actively avoid them.
Almost as if they were revolted.
“And a comedic scene.”  
The entire date was a comedy scene.  
Mostly about showing how much of a stereotypical rich privileged jerk Blueblood is.

I love how you don’t read shit.
“Then why did she leave? “
Yuki said: “until that final straw snapped”
“The problem was that he wasn’t being nice at all:”
He also wasn’t being mean.
“1)Had a general snide and demeaning attitude toward other ponies.” - All one of them. And more towards her food than the pony herself. In fact, ENTIRELY towards her food.
“2)Being self centered.(i.e. Only complimenting himself” - Self-centred is only THINKING of yourself, not only COMPLIMENTING yourself. And again, he complimented himself all of one time. Unless you’re suggesting everyone who doesn’t compliment every random stranger that approaches them is self-centred.
“3)Expecting special treatment for various activities, and instead of finding a compromise, just kept pushing until he got his way.” - Being still and silent isn’t pushing. Also, Rarity did the EXACT SAME THING. The difference? She gave in sooner. Doesn’t mean she wasn’t expecting HIM to do things FOR HER for no reason at all! And, again, a PRINCE. Royal blood through those veins. Only makes sense he EXPECTS things to be done for him.
But yeah, if you’re gonna call Blueblood ‘revolting’ for doing silent protest, then you gotta call Rarity revolting, too… And then I’ll say you live in some god-like utopia where clearly the worst thing that ever happens to you is when someone drops a wrapper on the street, if you think THAT’S ‘revolting’.
““Majority =/= right”  
Yes. So?” - So don’t use it as ‘evidence’ to ‘prove your point’.
Witness: “This links the suspect to the weapon!”  
Judge: “But there’s no connection.”  
Witness: “Yeah. So?”
“Just because there are worse people doesn’t mean he’s not revolting.” - I know, right? How dare he sit on a cushion, not step in a puddle and not want to open a door. Jack the Ripper himself would vomit at the sight of this guy not liking Applejack’s snacks!
“And it’s fairly evident that his personality is revolting because most people that encounter that kind of personality tend to be revolted.” - Again, you live in some WONDERFUL utopia, I get that, but for those of us on EARTH, no. Not at all. We would shrug indifferently and forget about it. If anything, the topic of conversation the next day would be how Rarity tried to bag some rich guy without zero effort and was shocked he didn’t treat her like the princess she’s not.
“Yeah, gonna have to call shenanigans on that.  
You don’t just unconsciously pick up something that weighs almost as much as you instead of” - That’s because it’s a cartoon. And a comedic scene. You know what else doesn’t tend to happen IRL? Pretty much a good 60% of what went on inside the episode. I mean, y’know, barring the whole magical talking pony thing. People also don’t tend to survive falling pianos on them - in fact, in real life, it’s quite tragic when that happens ’cause the person dies. Not funny at all. But for comedy in a cartoon? Logic gets pushed aside and we get a funny scene instead of a funeral.

“She wanted his money, that is all.”
Then why did she leave? You can’t have it both ways.  
Either she values someones personality over their wealth and status, thus why she ended the date; or she doesn’t.  
Which is it?
“Just because you’re not being extra nice”  
The problem was that he wasn’t being nice at all:
1)Had a general snide and demeaning attitude toward other ponies.
2)Being self centered.(i.e. Only complimenting himself and complete disregard for the
3)Expecting special treatment for various activities, and instead of finding a compromise, just kept pushing until he got his way.
“Majority =/= right”  
Yes. So? My point still remains. Just because there are worse people doesn’t mean he’s not revolting. And it’s fairly evident that his personality is revolting because most people that encounter that kind of personality tend to be revolted.
“He grabbed the nearest thing to him, which just happened to be Rarity.”  
Yeah, gonna have to call shenanigans on that.  
You don’t just unconsciously pick up something that weighs almost as much as you instead of, you know, just dodging out of the way.
“we gotta lynch Dash, right?”  
I’m not lynching anyone.
If you’re mad that people lynch Blueblood because of this episode, then fine, but don’t try to project their view onto me.

then she wouldn’t have left. then she wouldn’t have left. then she wouldn’t have left. then she wouldn’t have left. then she wouldn’t have left.
EXACTLY. She DIDN’T, until that final straw snapped. It wasn’t out of romance, because she never made any attempts to get to know him. She wanted his money, that is all.
“It isn’t unreasonable, or uncommon, to expect someone to act with some basic manners. Regardless of who is pursuing whom.”
HMMMMMM, you mean like a greeting? You mean like stopping Rarity from walking into that puddle of water? You mean like tolerating someone’s presence for an entire night even if they are clearly trying to get you to treat them special for no reason whatsoever?
Fun fact: manners doesn’t mean complimenting someone and doing their bidding. Just because you’re not being extra nice, doesn’t mean you’re being bad.
“ It is self evident that the majority of people find Blueblood’s personality revolting and offputing.”
First off don’t know where the “self” part of this evidence is, second… and? The majority of people in some states are voting for Trump right now. The majortiy of people in the middle ages thought that little old lady was a witch. Majority =/= right, just like being a mane character doesn’t automatically make you the good guy in every situation.
This same majority of people that dislike Blueblood ‘cause of the Gala episode also think said episode is evidence of how he is literally Hitler. They use his mild indifference to Rarity to characterise him as an unremorseful sadist that wants to rule Equestria with an iron hoof.
“Can’t really call it a mistake when he intentionally used her as a shield. “
He grabbed the nearest thing to him, which just happened to be Rarity.
Y’know, this is actually a fairly common gag. Let’s switch the roles a bit. Replace Blueblood with Dash. Dash sees cake flying towards her, grabs the nearest thing she can as a shield… OOPS! It was Rarity. Guess because Rarity now has cake on her we gotta lynch Dash, right?
Now, just to put all our cards on the table, let’s look at what ELSE Blueblood did that night. Y’know, the things he did INTENTIONALLY.
  1. Greeted Rarity and introudced himself.  
  2. Picked a flower for himself and complimented his own eyes (ooooh that bastard)  
  3. Placed a cushion in the garden and sat on it (unforgivable)  
  4. Stopped Rarity from walking into some water (how dare he)  
  5. Said it would be a shame to get wet and then waited in silence with Rarity (anger rising)  
  6. Crossed the bridge that Rarity herself offered under no duress and with no protest (admittedly he could have just walked around, but hey, so could Rarity… They’re just both idiots in that scene)  
  7. Expected somepony to pay for his food (first REAL act of snobbishness there but, hey, he IS a prince an’ all. That kinda job comes with some perks)  
  8. Didn’t like some food and critiqued it (clearly this is the first sign of Satan coming to Equestria)  
  9. Expected somepony to open a door for him (again, a prince)
    Now, I would just like to point out that Rarity herself expected Blueblood to:
    A) Offer his cushion  
    B) Offer some of his own clothing for that puddle (that they could have just walked around)  
    C) Buy her food  
    D) Open the door for her
    All whilst he knew literally nothing but her name. What makes her so special that she should expect somebody she just met to do ANY of this stuff for her? Well, she’s a main character, sure, but unfortunately the show wasn’t self-aware yet.
    tl;dr - surprisingly, people don’t tend to react well to random strangers coming up to them, giving their name, then expecting the royal treament for an entire night. Frankly, Blueblood was fairly passive about the whole thing.

“That’s like me losing to a boss”
Dating isn’t like a boss battle. It isn’t unreasonable, or uncommon, to expect someone to act with some basic manners. Regardless of who is pursuing whom.
“asking questions”
Didn’t need to. If all she cared about was money and status, then she wouldn’t have left. But throughout the date his personality turned her off from him.
You’re not gonna win the moral argument here: It is self evident that the majority of people find Blueblood’s personality revolting and offputing. Whether or not there are worse personalities is irrelevant.
“(by mistake, no less)”
Can’t really call it a mistake when he intentionally used her as a shield.

“Yeah, chances to act with some common decency.”
That. He. Didn’t. NEED! HE didn’t approach HER. SHE’S the one that had the problem so SHE should have left. If he had approached her, then yes, he WOULD have had ‘chances’ to burn, but he didn’t. That’s like me losing to a boss and being like “OI! I gave you chances to lose!”
“Rarity, despite the bad first impression, didn’t want to dismiss him out of hand and stuck with him throughout the night to see if he had any other qualities.”
All well and good until you realise she forgot the most essential step - asking questions. Duh. Seriously, she JUST wanted his money and his status, or else she needs to go back to Dating 101. Or get the fuck out of the middle ages and realise that women have to exert some effort, too.
“Also: Is that really the bar your setting? Just because there are lots of people like him doesn’t make his personality any less revolting.”
Revolting is completely NOT the right word. Oh no, he’s rude… Oooh. Y’know what’s revolting? People who drug their dates and rob/rape them. People who lure dates into abusive relationships. People who photograph/film their dates then blackmail them later. People who literally go out of their way to make other people miserable and broken.
Blueblood literally just acted like a prince (big shock) by assuming everything would be done for him and gave a harsh downvote of AJ’s food. The most severe thing he did was get cake on Rarity’s dress (by mistake, no less). Oh no. That’ll take a whole laundry cycle to clean out.
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Well, she also cared about becoming a princess.
And she did pick a different stallion later. One she supposedly had a crush on “since the beginning of time”.
However, to be fair, it is difficult to tell how somepony will turn out to be without getting to know them first. She was much more spot-on with Trenderhoof, except for the one point of him developing a crush on hard-working farmpony Applejack.

That’s not the point here. You said that she gave him chances
Yeah, chances to act with some common decency.
Rarity, despite the bad first impression, didn’t want to dismiss him out of hand and stuck with him throughout the night to see if he had any other qualities. If she just cared about wealth and looks she could’ve picked another stallion.
Also: Is that really the bar your setting? Just because there are lots of people like him doesn’t make his personality any less revolting.

That’s not the point here. You said that she gave him chances, so I argued that there were no chances to GIVE. You made it sound as though HE was after HER.
MY point this whole time is that his actions don’t warrant the level of hate he gets. Yeah, he’s rude and self-centered. Uh, so are a lot of people… He didn’t try to murder, brain-wash, rape, steal, commit treason, ruin somebody’s life, humilate somebody, break somebody mentally, etc. His actions were minor at best.
And that’s only from a total of, what, 10 minutes we’ve seen of him? Not really enough to judge his entire character.
My ultimate feelings though are that Rarity was worse for trying to court the guy purely for his looks and money, making no attempts to form a connection and then expecting special treatment. You wanna fault Blueblood’s actions that ep, you gotta fault Rarity’s, too. It’s a two-way thing.