Please note that this is completely out of RANDOM and in no relation with my other work in which they are connected with each other. This is just like that simple Discord and Twilight MLP FIM mistletoe kiss picture I made for Christmas just to submit something to the :icondiscolight: club :XD: [link] Now I will submit this to the :iconflim-flam-bros-fc: club! :XD:
I’ve drawn Flim and Flam before [link] This is a picture for my friend :iconcrazypurplebat: who’s deciding whether or not on making a cutie little romantic story revolving around the events after “The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000” with Twilight and Flim. She needed a good story cover picture and I insisted on making one for her. :)
Hope this works for you, buddy! ;)
Although this would be FAR from what Twilight would do to either Flim or Flam if they stayed a little longer in Ponyville before running off to another town after realizing how bad their cider was, Twilight might have done something to them considering she was the most determined out of all the other ponies besides Rainbow Dash to help the Apple family win the competition. :giggle: I mean, she has a good eye; I’m sure she might have noticed that their desperation and tinkering with their machine had led them to their fall in the end. :giggle: Sure she was sad as well as super pissed off at the brothers for taking away Applejack’s farm, but I’m sure she would have ‘thanked’ either of them in her own smart unicorn way. :XD:
Haha… I meant you’re*
They’re actually, still uncommon, but they do pop-up from now and then
But still rare
Her highest rating image is around 50 upvotes(ponies with ties and no extras
Lowest I think is 100 downvotes(lots of crossovers)
day 6
Upvotes and downvotes, these are what judge how an image is viewed. How foes the OP react to this, who knows. For the artist, it’s more Personel. I’m just the viewer who is judging all of it
What the hell is going on here?!
Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure. “Fuck, I can’t resist those… AMAZING inventions of yours.”
Also, according to the description, this is some odd alternate interpretation. The Flim Flam Brothers apparently lost on purpose.
Sure, okay.
This ship is retarded.