As always, feedback is welcome. I put enough effort into building this set that I’ll have to use it for other things. I’m open to suggestions, but reserve the right to only uses ones I like. :)
Clothed/SFW version >>1370825
I used a lot of assets, with various degrees of modification. Where they even vaguely resemble the originals I think it’s important to give credit, even with CC-0 assets. The full credit list is available in the original clothed tumblr post at but a few specific pony credits are:
Original version of pony head by CreatorOfPony
Enhanced facial expressions from Enhanced Overhaul Ponies by JuiceDane
Book and Comic covers are from official MLP comics and Daring Do books, except for:
Daring Do and The Raiders of the Lost Horseshoe by Loihtuja >>678860
Power ponies 261 by henbe >>507075
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to list them in the artist tags for a tiny cameo. I assume someone will tell me.
Well, if she would a shirt or something, then it’s be forgivable.
I will fully cop to is being silly to just have her reading naked. “I suppose it’s a little lazy to just say “Here’s the same thing as before, but without clothes”, but on the other hand, Scootabutt is cuteabutt.” :P
I am working on all of these models and other assets to be ale to put together some proper scenes, but I just wanted to get a thing or two out that was a bit sexy in the meantime, even if kinda forced. Though this >>1346455 seems to be pretty popular.