(Also you are NOT allowed to use this art for anything. Has a piece of my signature art in it. So no use-sing this art for anything!)
I’ve been thinking for a long time now and have been wondering what would be a
good cover art for my story that would do it justice and that would sum up the
whole of the entire story. I couldn’t settle on a single piece of art that would
do it justice as I’m making all the piece of art for all the chapters. To where I
can say that’s the art I want to use to represent my story. But I’m never sure if
I can agree on what art to use to represent my story. So I hope this is the art
that will most likely have me be happy with it and agree with myself to have this
be the art to represent my story. If not, back to the drawing bored.
Here’s a link to the story:
Here’s a link to the other one that looks just like this one but has the title on it.
I’m glad you are respecting my wishes.
I think I might have been a bit overprotective with this particular art.
I’m more into not wanting others to use this art as a profile picture or their profile background webpage picture.
But if you are just using it as a desktop wallpaper picture, I have just recently uploaded this image again without my single art in the background on my Deviantart page that you can use. _
Edited because: typing error
Say wut
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